Sunday, March 08, 2015

What Would a New, Patriotic Party Have to Stand for, and Aggressively Work Towards, in Order to Offer Something of Value to Patriotic Americans?

By Nicholas Stix

An end to all affirmative action, including illegal, unconstitutional diversity training;

It would have to stand for a moratorium on net immigration;

The vigorous prosecution of those who have profited from the illegal alien invasion, including the aliens themselves and those who employed or otherwise harbored them;

The forcible deportation of all illegal aliens (after serving federal prison terms for those convicted of felonies) and their children, whether those were born here or abroad;

Forcing all naturalized citizens to pass a videotaped written and oral language test in English, and stripping all who prove themselves to be illiterate in English of citizenship, due to fraud;

Stripping all naturalized citizens of citizenship who have expressed their loyalty to some country other than the United States of America, since applying for American citizenship;

The undoing of every executive order ever signed by the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama”;

The repeal of or, failing that, complete de-funding of Obamacare;

The repeal of, or failing that, complete de-funding of every other program ever enacted by “Obama”;

The elimination of the Department of Homeland Security;

The elimination of every federal division of “civil rights” (in the Justice, Education, and Labor departments);

The repeal of all “civil rights” and “hate crime” laws;

Making English the official language of the United States of America;

The release of all of the ammunition that the federal government has bought and hoarded, in order to unconstitutionally disarm American citizens; and

The criminal prosecution of “Barack Obama,” his consort, and various accomplices, e.g., Eric Holder, for countless felonies against the United States of America.


  1. Everything you list sounds great! sign me up! seriously, why is nobody in Washington proposing these measures? There would be an outcry, of course, but the alternative is losing our country.

  2. 1. Adopting a citizens’ tax credit of $1,000 on earned income.

    2. Reducing tax rates on wages to equal the capital gains and investment tax rate.

    3. Strengthening our entitlement programs and manufacturing industries with a surtax on multinational corporations and imports.

    4. Breaking up the “Too Big to Fail” transnational banks and ending bailouts and corporate welfare.

    5. Agressively enforcing existing immigration law and imposing an immigration moratorium until American citizens are fully employed and middle and working class wages are rising.

    6. Requiring proof of US citizenship to register and a photo ID to vote.

    7. Strengthening our national defense by avoiding foreign wars, closing unneeded foreign bases, and ending foreign aid.
