Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Thousands of Blacks Nationwide Celebrate Obama’s Selma Hoax Speech, by Brutally Attacking Whites (Colin Flaherty, Column and Video)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Black Mob Violence Spreads as the President Preaches Victimization in Selma

By Colin Flaherty
March 11, 2015
American Thinker

The President celebrated black victimization at his recent speech in Selma, but around the rest of the country, black people were making the successful transition from victim to predator.

Within a few days of the President’s Selma speech, black mob violence and black on white crime proceeded apace, much of it on video. None of it acknowledged as racial violence in local media.

Here is a smattering from around the country:

At Chuck E. Cheese outside of Cleveland, a large group of black people attending a birthday party said they were unhappy that one of the machines was not working. So they attacked the staff, sending five to the hospital with “serious” injuries, including a teenager girl who was knocked unconscious.

Much the way Congressman John Lewis reminded us on Sunday at Selma that he too was knocked unconscious.

This is just the latest is a series of recent episodes of black mob violence in Chuck E. Cheese stores around the country, including Long Island, Florida, South Carolina, St. Louis, Dearborn, California, Memphis, Commack, Beaumont, Colorado Springs and other places.

From Cleveland, let’s head to Albany, New York, where local journalistic luminary Casey Sieler simultaneously insists black mob violence and the Knockout Game 1) do not exist; 2) exist for very good reasons, like slavery.

While he tries to figure out how he can explain the existence of that which does not exist, the videos from Albany tell a story of regular and large-scale black mob violence. The latest came the night before the President’s Selma speech.

The rap group Migos was at the Armory in Albany and six people were stabbed, at least one person was robbed, and from the stage the members of Migos moderated — and encouraged — the large fight taking place in front of them.

“They are giving them hell now,” said a member of the group, gleefully, while chairs and knives and fists flew. On video.

City officials have tried to stop the Armory from having live entertainment because of the predictable violence, but they have not been successful.

In Queens two nights before the President’s speech, three black people were slashed with broken bottles at a Chedda Da Connect hip-hop concert. The Daily News reports more people were injured in the fighting and stabbing but they refused medical attention.

In Philadelphia, two days after two black people were arrested for the murder of a police officer, and one day before the President’s speech, a large group of black people were fighting, shooting guns and creating mayhem outside of a nightclub.  Three people were injured, with one shot. Police fired on a car after they say it was trying to run them over.

In Kalamazoo two nights before the President’s speech, one man was shot after a large group of black people were creating violence, but he refused to cooperate with the police.

In San Bernardino, California, four nights before the President’s speech, a large fight involving two black motorcycle clubs left three people dead and four wounded. The fight later continued at the local hospital.

Large-scale black mob violence is also a regular feature of life in Rochester, New York. From the Lilac Festival to the Liberty Pole, Frederick Douglass High School to movie theaters, residents are resigned to the racial chaos.

The latest episode came during a basketball game the night before the President’s speech. Police had to use pepper spray to break up a large disturbance inside the Blue Cross Arena. The fighting and mayhem continued outside at the newly constructed Transit Center, also the scene of regular black mob violence, often on video.

In Houston, the night before the President’s speech, a championship woman’s basketball game was cancelled midway through the contest after a large episode of black mob violence — involving black players and cheerleaders from Southern and Texas Southern Universities.

A few days before that, a similar case of black mob violence broke out at a game between two black colleges, Tuskegee and Albany State. But this mayhem was limited to the cheerleaders of the black colleges. Cheerleaders and dancers from both schools were banned from the rest of the tournament.

In Fort Lauderdale, two days before the President’s speech, a black student punched a white teacher in the face.  

According to WSVN, “[t]he punch stemmed from when the 62-year-old science teacher told a 12-year-old student that he was not allowed to bring a basketball into her lab. ‘I took the ball from him. I thought it was all solved, I said, “Now come in and sit down and let's get started,"' Stadnik said. ‘I was five feet away from him and “pow," came right up and coldcocked me in the face, and I said, “You just punched me in the eye. You just hit me."'"

Three days before the President’s speech, four black people were charged in the murder and home invasion of 94-year old Eva Carmichael. Police say there may be more people arrested.

In Senatobia, Mississippi, the night before the President’s speech, police responding to “an explosive situation” involving a “wall-to-wall” group of black people in a restaurant were accused of being too rough with the people who did not obey their orders to leave.

Black reporter Les Smith said he was not surprised by the mayhem that ensued in Senatobi, saying it was “bound to be volatile,” because of dozens of “teens” were “looking to extend the fun into late night.”

Even so, two mothers said their sons were treated with excessive force when they were arrested that night and other nights all because, said a friend, “for no reason.”

In Akron the night before the President’s speech, more than 100 black people were creating violence and disorder and challenged police when they were asked to leave a roller skating rink.  And oh yeah, this has been happening there for a long time:

“Police say the rink has been the focus of the department’s Neighborhood Response Team because of a series of incidents involving teens fighting, blocking traffic, trespassing, menacing and stealing during the past two to three months,” said the Beacon Journal.

On a Greyhound bus bound for Columbus, Ohio three days before the President’s speech, a black woman attacked a state trooper, pushing her down the steps and off the bus. She then straddled and and punched her in the face. Other passengers came to the aid of the female trooper. All on video.

In Fort Collins, Colorado, the night before the President’s speech, police were attacked by a crowd of black people after shutting down a bar for having three times too many people in it. As black mob violence erupted in the parking lot, several men turned their attention to the cops.

According to the NBC affiliate in Fort Collins: “One man, Dominique Artrail Debow, moved toward the deputy and told people to fight the police. Another man, Jaishann Martis Dean, took a fighting stance against another officer, saying they could not arrest Debow. Dean was told to stop and did not, so a taser was deployed.”

The evening of the President’s speech, several black people were arrested for kidnapping and home invasion robbery in Dayton. One of the suspects was in the 17th day of his probation following his conviction for armed robbery. ““There was so much blood at that point I didn’t know what was happening,” one of the victims told the WHIO news. “I was trying to just give them what they wanted.”

In a Maryland suburb of Washington, D.C. the night before the President’s speech: “Two teenagers were injured and two vehicles damaged when a large fight broke out at Potomac Mills Mall,” said the Sun Gazette newspaper. None of the victims or suspects cooperated with police.

At the paper’s Facebook page, several white people objected to others who noted that all the people involved in that violence and similar episodes at that mall and other area malls were black.  They said white kids do it too. None, however, supplied any links or specifics.

Many of the examples of black mob violence in suburban D.C. malls are documented in that scintillating best seller, Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

The day of the President’s speech in Panama, Florida, a group of black people attacked Mississippi State quarterback Dak Prescott — a Heisman candidate — and two of his teammates.  Bloody pictures and a video soon filled the internet, including one picture of a group of self-proclaimed thugs using Twitter to brag about the assault.

Prescott and his crew were in Panama for Spring break, attending a hip-hop concert by Waka Flocka, which cancelled its upcoming concert at the University of Oklahoma because it did not approve of racism at a fraternity.

And the day before the President’s speech, a Chicago school principal was still trying to explain to local and national media why white and Asian students were removed from a school assembly about “Black Lives Matter.”  The remaining black students learned they are victims of white racism and violence, all the time, everywhere, and that explains everything.

Much like the President’s remarks when he was a law student at Harvard and his speech at Selma.

Colin Flaherty is an award winning reporter, best selling writer and the author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.


  1. Even in a place like Kalamazoo MI and Ft. Collins, CO. Even there.

    You are not safe anywhere. They are everywhere.

  2. Push the female state trooper down a flight of stairs, then straddle the trooper and began to beat her. That is ground and pound. Like with what Treyvons did to Zimmerman.

    If the state troope4r carrying a gun is not safe, who is?

    NO ONE!

  3. It is a low level war at this point. And in response to a previous post, yes, they are everywhere.
