Friday, March 13, 2015

Survivor: Mexican Prison

By A Texas Reader
LOS ANGELES ( — An attorney for former “Survivor” producer Bruce Beresford-Redman says his client has been sentenced to 12 years in a Mexican jail for killing his wife.



  1. I remember hearing about this. Reminded me a bit of the Eric Volz case. An American who was framed for murdering his girlfriend in Nicragua. However, in Mr. Volz case, the evidence of his innocence was overwhelming and irrefutable, that is unless you hate Americans. The anti American prejudice was revealed in his case and clearly got him railroaded into prison. Fortunately a rational judge overturned the verdict and released him. Last I heard another court is reinstating the verdict. Shades of the Amanda Knox situation.
    I have no idea of the guilt or innocence of Mr. Beresford-Redman, the evidence does sound sketchy on the surface but he doesn't have the iron clad alibi that Eric Volz had. Men do kill their wives but so do serial killers or random rage killers. She may have been a victim of one of those and the police just settled on the husband because he's usually the one who did it. While this case isn't as clear as the Knox or Volz case but it's a message to Americans living or traveling overseas. Be careful what you do and who you associate with. Don't let yourself get embroiled in the justice system in another country, well, don't do it in the US either but overseas it's going to be that much harder negotiating with a foreign culture.
    Jerry PDX

  2. I agree, the Amanda Knox case is very clear. Clear that she is as guilty as hell. No rational person who has put any effort into studying the case could think otherwise.

    She got away with murder.

  3. To: Anonymous

    Please explain "how" she's guilty. No, not prosecution theories but actual evidence.

    OK, just let me ask you this: Assuming Rudy Guede (the real killer) is telling the truth about a 4 way sex torture killing, in which he was a passive bystander while the two white devils raped and murdered Meredith.
    How did Amanda and Rafael fail to leave DNA at the crime scene? Rudy Guede's DNA was all over, even in Meredith's vagina and he was supposedly mostly just watching while Amanda and Rafael did the deed. According to him that is. Yes, there was the one bit of DNA on Meredith's bra from Rafael. A bra that was left on the floor for days while people wandered in and out of the crime scene. Of course Rafael was having sex with Amanda and was physically present in the apt. so, of course he left DNA around the place, so yeah, there's a logical reason a bit of it could get there.
    What magic juju did Amanda and Rafael use to clean up all the DNA they must have left while leaving only poor ole' Rudy's DNA. Unless they were armed with microscopes and DNA testing equipment it would have been impossible.
    So I ask AGAIN! How do two people participate in an orgy, sex torture and slicing and dicing of a person and not leave massive DNA?

    That's just one example of the absurdity of the case. I can point out more. The bit of DNA on the bra is waved around like it's rock solid evidence by Amanda haters but anyone who actually thinks it through a little realizes it's not evidence against Amanda at all. So yes, Mr. Anonymous, I don't believe you have put any effort into studying the case, if you have then answer the question I have posed. I won't hold my breath. Your type never responds. Jerry PDX
