Sunday, March 08, 2015

Reconquista and Racial Socialist Student Clique Passed Resolution to Ban the American Flag from UC Irvine Campus; Patriotic Higher Student Government Body Overrode Them; Anti-American Clique Had Little Student Support

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Thanks to reader-researcher RC for this article.

California student group vetoes ban of flag from lobby
Updated 5:53 pm, Saturday, March 7, 2015
San Francisco Chronicle

IRVINE, Calif. (AP) — A panel at the University of California, Irvine on Saturday vetoed a student council vote to ban display of the American flag — or any other national flag — from its lobby, bringing a quick end to a prohibition that lasted just two days and won the school broad negative attention.

The UC Irvine executive cabinet voted 4-1 in a private meeting to overturn the ban that was narrowly passed by the campus's Associated Students two days earlier.

"We see the flag as transcending policy and politics, it represents American values," Reza Zomorrodian, council president and head of the executive cabinet, said after the veto, according to the Orange County Register (

The student council approved the resolution on a 6-4 vote Thursday, with two abstentions.

The resolution authored by student Matthew Guevara of the university's social ecology school lists 25 reasons for the ban, saying that the American flag has been flown in times of "colonialism and imperialism" and could symbolize American "exceptionalism and superiority." The resolution says "freedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible, can be interpreted as hate speech."

The American flag had hung on a wall in the student government suite. A few weeks ago, someone removed the flag and put it on the desk of Zomorrodian, with an anonymous note saying it shouldn't be in the lobby.

The executive members decided to put up the flag again. Then the resolution was brought to the council.

Word of the ban spread quickly on Friday — including to the state Capitol in Sacramento.

On Friday, state Sen. Janet Nguyen, R-Santa Ana, said she and other legislators may introduce a state constitutional amendment to prohibit "state-funded universities and college campuses from banning the United States flag."

[Some reader comments and my replies follow:]

• french_dip
• Rank 2104

The people who want to pass a law to ban the banning of flags have the same thinking pathology as the people who want to ban the flags.

Two sides of the same coin.

" social ecology" so funny.

N.S.: Oh, so freedom = slavery.

My, aren't you clever... not.

• KurtisEngle
• Rank 11141

I disagree with the UC Irvine executive cabinet.

A university is where young people are taught to think. For themselves. As distinct from rote learning. This is difficult enough under the best of circumstance and much more so when urged to echo jingoistic slogans and genuflect before symbols that may once have had value but are currently dominated by a small clique of very bad men. I would like to remind the executive cabinet and the reader that steel framed skyscrapers do not collapse at gravity speed very often. In fact it has happened just three times. All on the same day in the same place. And as the Torch tower in Dubai has recently demonstrated, there is absolutely no explanation. That holds water. It is also true that over a hundred men are still being held at Guantanamo, with no indication they will ever be tried. These would seem to be the 'values' the flag represent these days.

There is a great deal that is wrong with this country. And very little chance these wrongs will be righted by people led to salute the flag on a daily basis. And while it is clear there are many willing to stand up and say it is wrong to fail to pledge allegiance, they will not say why, for they don't 'know'. They have never been told, you see, and rote learning discourages actually thinking. I would like if I may to conclude with a three minite demonstration of just exactly what I am talking about.

"The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History"

N.S.: @KurtisEngle "A university is where young people are taught to think."

That's your first sentence, and thus your first lie, comrade. A university is where young people are taught to be mindless racial socialists.

You hate America, and seek to destroy her. Why? You can't give a credible argument. You're just a hate-bot.

Your Marxist talking points are ludicrous. Memorization strengthens memory, which is a pillar of all learning, but Marxist-dominated teacher's ed schools banned memorization generations ago, except for anti-American, anti-intellectual slogans, like your line about "rote learning" (e.g., "drill and kill").

The biggest problem with this country is the rise of racial socialism, which combines the genocidal racism of National Socialism, and the genocidal rapine of Communism.

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