Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Oxford, UK: For 16 Years, Gangs of Raceless, Religionless (Like the Ones in Rotherham) Men Sexually Groomed and Raped Over 370 White, Underaged English Girls; Police and Media Variously Looked Away from and Covered-Up the Crimes

By “W”

At Press-TV.

1 comment:

  1. I looked around and quickly found an article that gives more of a perspective on the scale of this crime. The Oxford case is just one of many. Note the first statement in this article is a qualification to fight the racist tag: http://ukpaedos-exposed.com/uk-child-abusers-named-and-shamed/facts-and-stats-on-child-abuse/muslim-paedo-rings-in-the-uk-why-how/

    If you go to the wiki page re Pakistani child sex abuse gangs and look in the links area there are a plethora of articles re the issue of race. Some actually confront the issue head on and others make excuses and seek to ignore the race issue. I suspect if you lived in the UK the excuse making articles would be the ones more likely to receive mainstream coverage.

    I found different variations of this comment in various articles:

    Larasi at Imkaan says there may be "issues of ethnicity" but only in helping public authorities recognise and deal with predatory behaviour. There is evidence that communities with strong male bonds can lead to a culture of silence – look at the priesthood as an example and not just at a subset of Pakistani society. But it remains to be said that, while there might be a higher incidence of on-street grooming among some "Asian" men, *most sexual offences are carried out by white men acting alone, according to the CPS.*

    What's wrong with that comment? First off, it's clearly designed to shift the problem back into "It's really a white man's thing". We need to ask: What is the percentage of Pakistani's vs. "white men" in the UK? I'm sure Pakistani's are a very small percentage, yet what is their rate of child sex abuse? There are 50 million or so people in the UK, of course there will be more white child abusers in aggregate numbers, there is always random child sex abuse. I'm not sure if it could ever be completely stopped. However, if it is cultural and organized then we are talking about something else entirely. If a particular race or ethnicity is practicing that kind of organized sex abuse then why can't we confront that particular group? Was their any hesitation to specify the "priesthood" when society went after their sex abuse? Of course not, nobody pussyfooted around the fact that the church was responsible. Why do Britons have to dance around the Pakistani issue? Jerry PDX
