Thursday, March 05, 2015

On the Death of Leonard Nimoy: Star Trek was PC Propaganda



By Nicholas Stix

At Ex-Army Libertarian Nationalist.


  1. Yes, Roddenberry pushed "diversity" before diversity was cool, yes he promoted political correctness before it became "PC".... but underlying that was a staunch Republican message, metaphors of communism vs. capitalism abounded, with capitalism always being good while communism evil (or misguided). who can forget the atrocious, but unintentionally hilarious, Journey to Eden episode where Roddenberry let the audience know just how he really felt about those filthy hippies and their idealistic notions? Or Shatner's stilted recitation of the Declaration of Independence and Old Glory being flashed across the screen. Truth is, Star Trek was only liberal on the surface, underneath it was pure conservatism.
    Jerry PDX

  2. When it comes to second-in-commands, no one can beat Susan Ivanova.

    "I am Susan Ivanova... I am the right hand of vengeance... God sent me."
