Thursday, March 05, 2015

In Ferguson, Violent, Criminal, Racist Parents of Failed, Aspiring Cop-Killer Mike Brown are Suing for Officer Darren Wilson’s Refusal to Die



By Nicholas Stix

“Michael Brown's parents will file suit over fatal police shooting, attorneys say”:
At the Post-Dispatch.

Via Christine Byers ‏@ChristineDByers 10m10 minutes ago, to whom I tweeted:

In a just world, not only would they face felony charges, but the police would be suing them!

1 comment:

  1. What blacks want is a decriminalization of EVERYTHING.Only black people can go on TV and say with a straight face that their (pick one...son, nephew, cousin, fellow gang member) was a sweet kid who would never(pick one...shoot, stab, rape or rob etc) that other person.Insanity is starting to win in the United States.
