Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cracking the Racist Code Behind the Suspensions of Black Public School Students

By Nicholas Stix

That would be our old friend, Countenance, who previously cracked the racist code behind all of those “non-violent drug offenders” in our nation’s jails and prisons. They’re virtually all violent offenders who were given sweetheart plea bargains, in which the violent crimes that initially got them arrested were photoshopped out, leaving only the “non-violent” drug crimes.

If I've been walking the crime beat on and off since circa 1990, writing exposes on law enforcement and the criminal justice system, and I couldn't figure that out without Countenance, how much worse off is the average Joe doing?

Let me change the tense on that. There was a time when the average Joe might have been fooled, but thanks to the in-your-face tactics of the John Doe calling himself "Barack Obama," Criminal General Eric Holder, and the MSM, he's catching up in a hurry.

1 comment:

  1. That was the answer I got from former Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Walt Lewis a couple of years ago. I emailed him about the MSM-sponsored idea that most prison inmates are "non-violent drug offenders."

    Walt Lewis' book, "The Criminal Hustice Club," details the difference between how the media portrays criminal law (especially sentencing versus time served) and how it really is.
