Sunday, January 11, 2015

Syria: Obama Plans on Bringing in Hundreds of Thousands of Welfare Cases and Security Risks

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Obama to Let in More Security Risks from Syria
By: Daniel Horowitz
December 12th, 2014
Conservative Review

Now that Republicans have made it clear they will do nothing to stop his amnesty for existing illegal immigrants, Obama is moving on to step two of his plan. He is planning to bring in more people who will constitute or public charge, or worse, represent a security risk.

The LA Times is reporting that the administration will increase the number of refugees that are admitted from Syria:

The U.S. government intends to dramatically accelerate efforts to resettle refugees from the Syrian civil war and is preparing for a "surge" of thousands in each of the next few years, State Department officials announced this week.

They have some catching up to do: The United States has so far accepted only 300 of the more than 3.2 million refugees who have fled Syria since the war began almost four years ago.

The United States is the world leader in refugee resettlement, accepting 70,000 displaced people a year, more than all other countries combined. It's poured $3 billion into supporting the Syrian refugees who have spilled into camps and cities in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and other neighboring countries.

A similar dynamic played out with the Iraqi refugee program over the past decade, in which elements of extremist Sunni and Shiite factions can both claim fears of persecution and come to America – only to plot attacks against us.

Notice how we already have the most generous refugee system of any nation in the world.

But the broader point is that we are spending billions of dollars in an open-ended commitment to a civil war with Islamic factions on both sides.  Now Obama is making us responsible to bring them to our country. Once again, we must ask, why not put Americans first?

As we’ve noted before, there has been an uptick in immigration and refugees from the Middle East and it has created many security risks, in addition to cultural problems. A similar dynamic played out with the Iraqi refugee program over the past decade, in which elements of extremist Sunni and Shiite factions can both claim fears of persecution and come to America – only to plot attacks against us.

Just last week, a Saudi-born immigrant was arrested for attempting to sell nuclear aircraft secrets to Egypt.

Instead of focusing on passing amnesty, they ought to protect Americans first and clamp down on Obama’s reckless policies on refugees from the Middle East.

What is even more offensive is that Republicans have tossed in $3.1 billion in this omnibus bill to facilitate Obama’s ‘leave no Syrian refugee behind’ policy. Much of that funding was earmarked for the “Overseas Contingency Operations” account, which is not subject to the annual budget caps. Perforce, Republicans are not only declining to defund Obama’s dangerous open borders policies, they are implicitly offering their blessing in the form of new appropriations.

Every important Republican in Washington has recently expressed a desire to “fix our immigration broken system” next year when they assume control of the Senate.  Instead of focusing on passing amnesty, they ought to protect Americans first and clamp down on Obama’s reckless policies on refugees from the Middle East.

Daniel Horowitz is Senior Editor of Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @RMConservative.

1 comment:

  1. This country is broke as all hell, yet we allow third world people who never truly assimilate to sponge off taxpayers. They will permanently live off some type of public assistance. They will bring their old and put them on SSI. This will entitle non contributing seniors to free checks,free medical,free food ,subsidized housing...on our backs.
