Sunday, January 11, 2015

S/H/IT! Crazy, Publicity-Whore Teenager Who Insisted He was a Girl Kills Himself, Blaming Society for His Madness; Media, Activists Insist that It’s the Normal People Who are Crazy (Photos)


Joshua Ryan Alcorn, who fancied himself "Leelah"

Joshua Ryan Alcorn in a dress: "Leelah Alcorn posted this photo on Tumblr with this caption: I dont take..." (ABC News caption)

By Nicholas Stix

“Posthumous posts started to appear on her [sic] Tumblr page, titled ‘Lazer Princess,’ including her [sic] suicide note and a post apologizing to her [sic] closest friends.

“‘My death needs to mean something,’ she [sic] wrote. ‘My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say “that’s f---ed up” and fix it. Fix society. Please.’”

At Yahoo.


I suppose there's a certain truth to the caption: By killing himself, Joshua Alcorn probably attained more political power than he ever would have, had he lived

1 comment:

  1. In a society where Truth is condemned, where expression of Truth may result in dispossession of ones livelihood, ostracism, and destitution, this is inevitable. Because we refuse Truth, we must embrace the Lie. And what higher elevation of the Lie is there than insanity? What greater expression of insanity than denial of one's own reality?

    This freak rejected his nature, insisted he was something opposite to reality, and our diseased society makes him a hero for it.

    The problem for those of us grounded in Truth is that we cannot foresee where this is headed. How much more twisted will things become? Will the Chinese perfect genetic engineering and the West use these tools to eradicate evil whiteness? To eliminate masculinity in men? Will we genocide ourselves to allow sainted africans to inherit the earth? Crazy right? Impossible right? Yet this is what makes it all the more likely in the current environment. I am seriously beginning to wonder if there is any hope for us. The blogs and small silos of rationality many claim offer hope may be just the last dying gasps of our diseased Western society.
