Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Segregation for Me, but Not for Thee

By Schmutzli

One wonders why, when there are segregated black congressional caucuses, segregated black colleges, segregated black fraternities and sororities at those segregated and at integrated colleges, a segregated black chamber of commerce, segregated black college funds and who knows how many local and national segregated black clubs, churches and organizations, segregation can be deemed both racist and illegal.

Oh, that only pertains to white folks, which de-facto makes it prejudicial as well, again only pertaining to white folks.

Now we have blacks not wanting to encounter white police or, apparently, be taught by white teachers. But we can only expect more "we need more money for education" bilge from teacher's unions and politicians.

All tacitly and blatantly either tolerated or promoted by the First Grifters, My People Holder, and the professionally aggrieved racial arsonists who are an integral part of every "conversation on race" on TV programs watched and unwatched.

The post-racial preezydent sure has performed as advertised; hasn't he, white guilt liberals?

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