Sunday, January 11, 2015

“M.I.T.”: Wacky Former MIT Prof Took Cinema Verite to a Whole New Level by Robbing a Manhattan Bank and Recording the Heist (Weird Crime)

By A Texas Reader

“Joseph Gibbons, 61, a filmmaker and ‘visual artist’ who taught for a decade at one of the world’s most prestigious…”

I know M.I.T.

I used to frequent a pub in the Uptown area of Dallas. It was called the Ginger Man.

I remember one night vividly. It was over a decade ago. I had just walked into the pub when I espied a young, Mexican-American male standing at the bar, but facing out to the crowd. That is, he was resting his back on the bar. His arms were spread out on either side, and supporting him as well. He had an air of affected insouciance on his face. Emblazoned across his chest were the letters "M.I.T."

I realized later that the letters stood not for the famous Yankee university, but instead meant "Mexican in Trouble."

At the New York Post.

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