Saturday, January 17, 2015

Jim Crow Hollywood Today!

By Nicholas Stix



  1. I'm going to see "American Sniper" today (Sunday January 18). The Left and the Lew Rockwell crowd don't like it.

    David In TN

  2. Well, the Hollywood broads are adopting black African babies at such a rapid clip Hollywood will be ALL black when the adopted negroes grow up. Give it about 15-20 years. So I don't worry about it.

    [ It never occurs to anyone that it was Whites who discovered electricity and harnessed electricity and invented all the things that make Hollywood possible in the first place. ]

    If blacks had discovered electricity and harnessed electricity and invented ALL the things that make Hollywood possible, then Hollywood would be 100% black FOREVER AND EVER : For blacks are THE most racist race around. All they think about is their black skin, and they think everyone must also always think about their black skin.

    If it weren't for Whites the blacks would still be living in darkness -- forget about any sort of Hollywood lights.

    Anyway, I got Hollywood fatigue. Had it a long time. I stopped going to the movies in the early 90s, the movies were so Anti-White. White characters or black characters in any particular movie, the movie is -- ALL the movies are -- very ANTI White : So it's all a moot issue to me.

    From : Salvatore
