Thursday, January 08, 2015

Hands Up, Don't Shoot! Moslems Slaughter Wounded Parisan Cop, Begging for His Life (Graphic Photo)



  1. Let's not forget that in France it is CRIMINAL to call this what it is. People can (and do) go to PRISON for calling Muslims out for their behavior and beliefs. They can (and do) go to prison for correctly ascribing such savage barbarity to low IQ and genetic behavioral predispositions.

    How can one hope to combat something if one cannot even legally discuss it?

    This is why there are no trash cans on the Champs Élysées. This is why trash clogs the gutters and sidewalks. This is why there are large areas that police completely avoid. This is why French law carries no force in large areas.

    What will it take? Downing the Eiffel tower? Blowing the IM Pei Pyramid at the Louvre? Burning Marseille? None of the above?

  2. Watch the video of the shooting -- there is no blood.

    Question: Was the officer armed? If so he made absolutely no attempt to use his pistol.

    The other cop killed was the bodyguard of the editor, who often received death threats and so he had police protection (for what that was worth). It is natural to wonder if this police bodyguard was armed.

  3. I believe this cop was unarmed too.

  4. You would seriously have to ask yourself who made the decision to place an unarmed cop at a location where such dire threats had been made many times.

  5. ONLY NOW during this manhunt for the villains are some of the usually unarmed French cops being told to carry their weapons. So some of the French police go around unarmed all the time?

  6. Even after shooting the place up and wounding this police officer the villains did not just take off but rather went after the cop rather than fleeing. Depraved action.
