Friday, January 09, 2015

Glaivester: I Am Charles Martel (Political Cartoon on the #CharlieHebdo Massacre)

By Glaivester
Original Link

Below the break is my commentary on the Charlie Hebdo affair. Given that we are supposed to show our courage by being willing to display offensive cartoons, I have decided to post the following cartoon, which is offensive to both Muslims and to those who are mourning Stephane Charbonnier.

You have been warned.

That is all.


Description (French translated with Google Translate)

First panel: Stephane Charbonnier stands facing Marine Le Pen, Michel Houellebecq, who hold signs readings: "Keep France French," "Muslims want to conquer"

Second panel: Charbonnier points at Le Pen and Houellebecq, accuses them: Fascists! Nazis! Racists! Holds "Petition to ban the National Front" Le Pen and Houellebecq open their mouths and Le Pen points at Muslim (depicted as bearded man in turban) standing behind Charbonnier: "Behind you!"

Third panel: Muslim shoots Charbonnier through the head. Sound effect: "Bang!" Le Pen and Houellebecq gape in horror.

Fourth (final) panel: Just a caption "F*** Charlie Hebdo. I am Charlie Martel"

That is all.

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