Thursday, January 15, 2015

Frontlash in Sweden: Mohammedan Professor of Islam at Sweden's Uppsala University Fears “Counter Attacks” Following Paris Shootings; Muslim Rapists in Sweden Now Terrified, and Busily Committing Hate Crime Hoaxes to Generate Desperately Needed Sympathy and to Increase Their Already Massive Political Power!


Moslem Hate Crime Hoax in Sweden

By A Texas Reader

It's good to be xenophobic.

Too bad the Scots and Irish weren't xenophobic enough when the Vikings arrived.

Had they been so then their women would not have been carried off to Iceland.

At The Local.


  1. YEP, they are killing us BUT THEY are afraid. THEY. Maybe they should be afraid.

  2. This sounds like stuff that is an import from America. The fake hate crime hoax.

  3. "Muslims are not supposed to eat pork" Much more than that. Even the depiction of a pig is offensive to the Muslim. Miss Piggy and the Muppets was banned in Malaysia as it showed a pig.

    Just about everything is offensive to the Muslim.

    1. Except the rape and murder of Infidels. And blowing up other Muslims who are less deranged than them. That's just fine and dandy.

  4. I think most persons have a hard time either believing or understanding that at least by the year 2100 if current trends in demographics continue, white people in Sweden will number less than 50 % of the population.

  5. The Scots and Irish were plenty xenophobic. And the Vikings kicked their asses and took their stuff anyway. True about the women, modern Icelanders have a high proportion of Irish DNA in them.

  6. "He pointed to the rise of the nationalist Sweden Democrat party as another key reason for growing violence against Muslims and other religious minorities in Sweden."

    What other religious minorities?

    The reason for the 'growing violence against Muslims', much of which has been fabricated by the Muslims themselves, is that Muslims are an invading alien horde with no respect for Swedish culture or laws, who have plunged Sweden into the greatest violent crime wave in its known history while simultaneously working with treasonous elite Swedes to systematically dismantle every vestige of native Swedish culture that they possibly can.

    The justice center in Malmö was subjected to two major bomb attacks in 2014, committed by Muslims. Things like THIS are responsible for the 'growing violence' against Muslims, not the Sweden Democrats, who have no real power anyway.

    The way these people can deflect and deny absolutely anything is amazing.
