Sunday, January 25, 2015

Billionaire Black Supremacist Oprah Winfrey: White People “Just Have to Die” (Photo)


  1. As a white woman I could never comprehend how white women admired her. I couldn't stand watching her program. She has shown her true allegiance long ago, building a school in Africa. Her success is because of white female viewers who she despises. Thanks to her we have the Mau Mau in office.

  2. Of course Ooompah saying that does not make her a racist because she is a fat bald headed black women.

  3. I read a comment on one blog that said if it wasn't for the white man Oprah would still be in Africa applying dung to her hair. She is on the cover of every copy of her O magazine. Each time she sports a different wig. She pretends like her hair extensions are her real hair. Chris Rock said if that is your real hair, then you need to win the noble peace prize.

  4. Why arw all you fat white people mad at a fat black woman making schools in africa? Yall both fat... All this just solidifies why ya'll should burn in hell. Minus the history of your whole existence as a race of people that kill other people. Bout time the tables turn. Dont run frm Karma. It's inevitable.
