Saturday, December 20, 2014

See the Video: NYPD Cops at Hospital on Both Sides of Mayor de Blasio’s Entourage Silently Turn Their Backs on Him, as He Enters for Press Conference


VIDEO: NYPD officers turn away from Mayor de Blasio as he enters police presser for murdered cops
By Alyssa Zauderer
Posted 8:23 PM, December 20, 2014,
Updated at 08:43p.m., December 20, 2014

Police officers turned their backs on Mayor Bill de Blasio as he walked into the police press conference about the two NYPD officers shot and killed execution-style in Brooklyn.

1 comment:

  1. If NYC cops had any REAL guts, they would form a pro-gun COPS-ONLY membership organization that would DIRECTLY go up against the Mayor, the NYT, the MSM, and ALL the various cosmopolitan suspects.

    It will NEVER happen though because the most important thing to a cop is hanging on until they get a pension, or, the cat's meow of government free-loading, "Long-term Disability."
