Monday, December 15, 2014

Michael Dunn Case Meant to Send a Message to White Men Across the Country: Do Not Defend Yourselves Against What Appears to be Mortal Danger from Black Aggressors (My New VDARE Report is Up!)


Michael Dunn

Jordan Davis

By Nicholas Stix



  1. The worst is yet to come. Soon, if you do not swallow all the lies of the left even that won't be enough to spare you from the goon squads that will take you to the "diversity chambers" for some good old fashioned Bolshevik torture to make sure you think the right way from now on.

    If you look at a negro the wrong way, or even if they just think that you did, it's off to the dungeons for some diversity "therapy"

  2. Whitey needs to do everything they can to get on jury trials; how else can you oppose the cosmopolitan's attacks on the right to carry, possess and use firearms in the human right of self-defense against criminals?

    YOU can be the monkey wrench in the cosmopolitan's anti-gun, anti-self-defense judicial machine!!
