Monday, December 01, 2014

Knoxville News Sentinel Editor Jack McElroy is Up to His Old Tricks, Regarding Ferguson: Blacks Cannot be Racist


FOR USE SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2014, AND THEREAFTER - In this Oct. 3, 1995 file photo, O.J. Simpson reacts as he is found not guilty of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, at the Criminal Courts Building in Los Angeles. At left is defense lawyer F. Lee Bailey and at right is defense attorney Johnnie Cochran Jr. Defense attorney Robert Shapiro is in profile behind them. (AP Photo/Daily News, Myung J. Chun, Pool, File)

By David in TN

I don't subscribe, so I can't read the whole article but Jack McElroy is at it again. He is backing the Ferguson rioters and claiming the Knoxville Horror did not involve race.

Jack McElroy: Not All Race Cases are Comparable
3:00 AM, Nov 30, 2014
6:11 AM, Nov 30, 2014
Knoxville News Sentinel

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o Oldest First

21 Hours Ago

I wonder if UPS is busy delivering warm jackets to hell? I have now had to agree with a column from Greg Johnson and one from Jack McElroy. It just makes me feel dirty.

15 Hours Ago

A whole page dedicated to this subject today plus McElroy's column, not one word about the hazards of attacking a police officer or the issue of hundreds of thousands of young, unemployed men living, for generations, idly in housing projects.

Anyone for an honest discussion?

5 Hours Ago

Sure. Innocent children are born into poverty to parents who have little or no education, they attend substandard schools, everyone they meet expects them to fail. White people born into nice neighborhoods with well educated parents who hold stable jobs, help them with homework and send them to excellent schools ( that is to say, those of us born on third base), look down our so-called God fearing noses at them for not being able to accomplish what we we were given by the accident of our birth. We honestly think we are better than they are, simply because we have had every advantage in life handed to us.

Yup, that's the honest truth. Blame the victim and go back to your Jack and Coke. I can't wait until you explain it all to Peter.

toolmeister to southernbelle79
2 Hours Ago

You were the same person whining about being panhandled at the gas pumps in the suburbs. Explain that to Peter? Until then please put a sock in the whining!

13 Hours Ago

The world is burning. It always has. And every day the paper boy brings more.

11 Hours Ago
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor

6 Hours Ago

Wall to wall cable news coverage of the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown killings, versus general media silence regarding the Christian-Newsome killings. Activist and even government official visits in the Martin and Brown killings, even before the first sworn testimony was taken, versus bupkus in the Knoxville killings. Thousands of street demonstrators in Florida and Missouri (supported how, no one in the media asked), and zero in Tennessee. You are right, Mr. Editor, not all cases are the same.

southernbelle79 to Eatitkns
5 Hours Ago

And what is your reason for the difference? The editor gives a well reasoned a cogent reason.

You, not so much.

fryetn to southernbelle79
4 Hours Ago

The reason the editor's explanation does not hold water is clear;

had the police officer been caught on tape gunning down a prone Michael Brown and justice was clearly going to happen, their would have been even more coverage.

Had Mr. Zimmerman actually uttered racists statements without the need of clever editing by NBC, the fervor would have been even greater.

Had Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom been black and murdered by a pack of paroled skinheads with concealed weapons permits, the hotels would have been booked solid with out-of-town media and the usual suspect of national race baiters.

The story was NEVER about how the officer would be treated by the courts- if it were, then the media would have cared more about the details of the attack and the clear evidence that the picture of Michael Brown as loving cherub was laughable.

The fact of the case are this.

1 or 2 witnesses (including Brown's partner in crime) outright lied about the hands-up aspect of the story;

The media- especially those in dying mediums like newspapers and network news; discovered they had more clicks or views with a racial angle than actually reporting facts.

After reading this laughable opinion piece, I am confident much of the reason the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom rapes/murders/mutilations did not make national news, is because McElroy and his "ilk" had no desire to put it on the wire. Which is odd, because it would have likely got a lot of hits and coverage- but it would not have fit the crafted worldview so pervasive in mainstream journalism and is what is partly killing it.

Sad. Seeing people sensor news instead of reporting it- then coming up with a reason later when they're called on it.

5 Hours Ago

You might consider, if indeed it is possible, that there is a community organizer in the White House. While he mouths platitudes that satisfy his sympathizers, supporters, and sycophants, he also invites the likes of Al Sharpton to "consult" at the White House. He uses Eric Holder as a ventriloquist's dummy to whine about how he and Obama are so badly treated because of their color. Holder spends taxpayer dollars to support rallies in the Trayvon Martin case, even before a word of sworn testimony is received. Holder goes to Ferguson to hunt for a civil rights violation, again before a single witness has been sworn in local proceedings. Without having all the facts, and stating such in June 2009, Obama accuses the Cambridge police of acting stupidly in another publicized racial incident. You can call all of his overt as well as covert activities purely innocent of racial animus. You can also believe you can keep your health plan if you like it, that Obama would lower unemployment below 6 percent with his near-trillion 2009 "stimulus," that he only heard about IRS and VA scandals after getting the news from the media, that the ACA would result in lower insurance premiums generally, and that our Southern border is more secure than ever before. Go ahead, believe the unbelievable!!

5 Hours Ago

Excellent article. Whites don't have to riot because we know the justice system will work for us.

Blacks do riot because they think the justice system will not work for them. And, all too often, they are right.

fryetn to southernbelle79
4 Hours Ago

Or because they want a new flat screen TV- either way, bless their precious, helpless hearts.

You think what you do is empowering- To everyone else, it's just the same old enabling.

4 Hours Ago

The only problem in the Brown case is it took so many shots to put this rabid animal down.

3 Hours Ago

Perhaps one distant day the scourge of racism will melt away on its own accord as the last vestige of race is stamped out of the human gene pool through intermarriage. The labeling of our half-white president as black tells us how far we've yet to go. But when we get there, no doubt we'll resort to other knee-jerk ways to separate them from us. Religion always is a tempting divider, but if it's stamped out, something else will take its place. We form tribes. It's how we compete (and oppress). If we're better than animals, it's only slightly.

1 comment:

  1. I see from the Daily Mail that Ferguson police ordered vigilantes guarding businesses from the rooftops to leave or face arrest. So the police can't-or won't-protect the town but they can go after lawful citizens who try to do the job themselves. That sounds typical.
    This news editor should walk through a ghetto at night to find out for himself. He'd never do that of course.
