Friday, December 19, 2014

Is UVA “Sexual Assault Activist” Emily Renda, Who Helped Organize the Jackie Coakley/Sabrina Rubin Erdely Rolling Stone Rape Hoax, Herself a Rape Hoaxer?

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Previously: “What Role Did UVA ‘Sexual Assault Activist’ Emily Renda Play in Rape Hoax?”

peterike said...

I smell a rat with Renda. Her so-called rape (a new Lifetime series: "My So-Called Rape") sounds a lot like she got sloppy drunk, hooked up with some guy, and regretted it. But she knew a good thing when she saw it and converted it into a career. (Her words: "I was a first year student out at a party drinking in the fall, and a guy who insisted on walking me home invited me to hang out in his room, where he forced me down and raped me.") (So he "invited" you and you went along? Wonder why.)

Let's face it: a rape story is the new hot internship. It gives you instant "moral authority," a phrase the Progs love oh so much. And you just don't question rape stories, like you don't question when a black guy says somebody once thought he was the waiter. Oh really? Ooops, sacred ground! Can't question that!

I don't expect Renda is any kind of dummy. She knew the lay of the land, and what better way to make her bones as a Professional Rape Victim then by, well, by becoming a rape victim. So I'm very suspicious.

She's a cute girl. No hottie, by any means, and who knows if she's got some grudge about not being hot enough to get the guys she wants. God knows. American women these days are so many kinds of crazy that you can't keep up. But I very much suspect that her "rape" was a perverse form of resume building and so far it's going gangbusters for her.

December 11, 2014, 7:51 P.M.

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