Sunday, December 14, 2014

Friday’s Black Mass Shooter at Portland, Oregon’s Rosemary Anderson High School Wounded Four: Why are Most Mass Shootings in the Pacific NW being Committed by Minorities?

By Jerry PDX

Since I live in Portland I’ve been getting the full coverage of this incident. I’ve been watching, as the media uses all the coded methods of separating this from “white” school shootings. It’s been hinting since the beginning, but now that the shooter has been verified to be black, the media are pulling out all stops. The article I’m linking to is an L.A.-based news outlet that uses all the usual tropes. They’ve been present in the local reporting also, but this one sums them all up for the national audience:
“Stems from a dispute”; “gang related”; “not random.”

Of course, every time a black kid shoots up a school or kills kids (a far more common occurrence than so-called “white shootings”), all these comments get dredged up by the media.

Every black person will say to himself, “Those black boys did it for a reason, unlike whitey, who got no reason,” and since the reason ultimately derives from poverty and discrimination, it’s whitey’s fault in the first place.

Being on the local level of a story, it’s easier to perceive how the media manipulates it to make it appear to be a purely “white” psychosis. The local reporting has referenced the other two recent shootings in the metro region, but made great pains to “differentiate” between them and this one. There was the recent Reynolds H.S. shooting in suburban Gresham, where the shooter was white, but then the Clackamas Town Center shooting by Jacob Roberts, who was a mixed-race kid: White, black, Asian mixture that the media pretended was all white. The local media has done their best to obscure the fact that two out of the last three shootings in the Portland region have been by non-whites. If we extend a little more, and include the recent Washington state school shooting, in which the shooter was a Native American, that would mean that three out of four of the last school shootings in this region are by non-whites. I guarantee you, nobody is going to be screaming the question, “Why are most mass shootings in the Pacific NW being committed by minorities?”

If you ask any person on the street in Portland what race mass shooters have been in the last few years in the Portland metro area, virtually everyone will say they have all been white. If you tell them the truth, they will give you a blank, confused look, and then accuse you of racism. That’s how brain-dead people in Portland can be, well, they are that way anywhere but I’ve lived most of my life here, and the need for people here to accept media PC brainwashing is particularly potent.

“Dispute may have led to shooting that injured 4 at Portland school” (L.A. Times).


  1. YEP, Pacific Northwest was always suggested as the place for whitey to move to if he did not like living amongst the minority.

    NOW they got em' too and gangs and all what not.

  2. They said this high school was for troubled kids.

    Of course the perp is supposedly from outside but then the person on the inside had gang affiliations.

    Surely they were troubled, weren't they?

    They often call those type of schools as an alternative for kids that do not do well in the traditional learning environment. Hell, those punks don't do well in any environment.
