Friday, December 19, 2014

Don’t Wait Until Sunday; Get Your Multicultural Wrap-Up Now!

By Nicholas Stix

At Countenance.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a recent incident in Oregon involving 4 adult black men and two underage girls, one 12 years old. No information on the race of the girls or the specific age of the other one, but she was underage also. The men posted a video on Youtube of them having sex with the girls. Yes, I'm pretty sure they have single digit IQ's. Knock me over with a feather.
    Child sex abuse and child porn is, of course, something Afroracists love to claim is the exclusive province of white men. Anyone who pays attention to local news, and actually retains information, knows that is false. There are plenty of local reports of black men committing these crimes, though often you do have to read between the lines at times to see through the media PC disinformation campaign.

    I found 18 references online to this incident, majority of which were blogs that picked up the story, a couple were local news stations, though the other major local news station ignored the story completely. A couple of cursory mentions in the Oregonian, our local "news"paper and two mainstream news mentions in Huffington Post and Pamplin media. Of course Huffington being a news aggregator pretty much picks up everything so I'm not sure if it counts. I like to see how much news coverage white sex offenders get as opposed to black ones and invariably white ones bring up more references, particularly in mainstream "news" outlets. The limited exposure this incident has gotten is par for the course because the perps are black men. Interesting that one reference is a magazine devoted to black issues (Madamnoire), it's the first link below, there are of course comments suggesting blame toward the 12 yr. old and her parents, reminds you of the way the black community in Texas blamed the 12 year old hispanic girl and her parents when she was raped by over 20 black men.
    Another lie that black people constantly tell each other is how unjustly the black man gets sentenced for any crime, I found a couple of comments claiming: Those black boys gonna git sent to prison for life!!! Always happens to black men when he messes with a white woman! We knows that for a fact!!!
    The 2nd URL is re the last man sentenced. One man got 18 years, the rest 5 or 6 years. They should be out in 2 or 3. Not exactly life sentences are they? Except for, maybe, one of them it seems pretty light for child rape and child pornography, are these diversity sentences?
    Jerry PDX
