Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Bill deBlasio to White (Enough) Cops: Drop Dead; Long-Winded Response to Grand Jury Decision Not to Indict White Cop in Resisting Death of 400-lb. Eric Garner Illustrates the Irrelevance and Dishonesty of Demands for Police to Wear Body Cams



By Nicholas Stix

Four-hundred-pound Eric Garner died of a heart attack on July 17, following a struggle, in which he resisted arrest against several police officers, who were seeking to take him into custody for selling “looseys,” single cigarettes, on the street. Hispanic (but white-enough) officer Daniel Pantaleo got Garner in a chokehold, which is forbidden by the NYPD.

If you look at the picture above, Gsrner looks like a man surrounded by children.

DeBlasio just spoke seemingly forever in English, and now, though he can’t speak a word of Spanish, is reading a Spanish translation.

He had supported the rioters in Ferguson, but doesn’t want that in his town. He wanted the white cop indicted. Says we need better “training,” which is a code word for even more de-policing, where blacks and Hispanics are concerned, and hype-policing where whites and Asians are concerned.

The murderous cop-hater contended that the “police and the community are in a partnership,” to which a voice in the Stix household responded, “You have to be friend with d’murderer.”

The videotape shows Garner resisting arrest against cops much smaller than him. Thus, videotaping all interactions between police and blacks has no effect on their response, if things don’t go their way. They simply ignore the facts staring them in the face.

Nowhere in DeBlasio’s rambling blather did he say anything about the need to comply with police orders, regardless of the officer’s race or ethnicity, or the need to obey the law.

Another thing no one heard was what brought about the “looseys” situation. New York City has an insane cigarette tax, such that a single pack costs from $12 to $14. Poor people often don’t have that sort of money handy, and so the “loosey” business was born. Bodegas all over the place sell them. (I don’t know the going price, at least a dollar each, but I’ve observed the practice.)

Of course, the extortionary taxes and abuse of smokers, is to pay for the obscene welfare bureaucracy that is in place to “help” the loosey buyers and the likes of Eric Garner. Circle closed.


  1. The video of Michael Brown assaulting the store clerk and stealing merchandise had no effect.

    David In TN

  2. Excellent point, David. Mommie dearest tried to get it suppressed, but it may have had an effect on the Grand Jury.

  3. I read the comments at NY Daily News on this case and it's really amazing how the negroes and marxist negro-lovers are able to see something fundamentally different from what I saw. I saw a giant negro resisting arrest and a tiny little white guy jump on his back trying to ride him to the ground. The tiny white guy no more killed the giant negro than I did. The obvious fact is the giant negro's overworked heart simply gave out. This is also common knowledge, that fat ass negroes are at extremely high risk of heart attack.

    Equally amazing is the fact that they ALL ignore the reality that jumbo knew exactly what he was doing and exactly what the outcome would be. With 31 arrests under his belt (why the hell wasn't he in prison anyway???) he was no novice at this..

  4. I wonder how many of those loosies he smoked rather than sell? Smoking is not good for the heart nor is resisting arrest.

  5. What I don t get is why are there white people out there protesting? Have they been dumbed down to think that if they agree with the blacks...they might not be attacked or robbed by blacks in the future?
    Final point:If you don t want to be messed with by police...don t commit a crime (or 30 previous ones as the Garner guy had done).Some people never learn.
