Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Is America the World’s Poorest Nation? Countries by Government Debt as % of GDP (Graphic)


1 comment:

  1. The true legacy of Emmet Till"

    I spotted this article on I've seen these before, an attractive woman, usually white, walks around a big city and a video records the sexual harassment she received. 99% of the harassers are black men, of course we knew that before seeing the video, but that simple fact is never pointed out explicitly in the article, though this one does address the race issue - sort of:

    This excerpt is from the article

    "Roberts was not immediately available for comment when contacted by HuffPost, but she told Hollaback, “I’m harassed when I smile and I’m harassed when I don’t. I’m harassed by white men, black men, Latino men. Not a day goes by when I don’t experience this.”

    Hollback notes that Roberts' experience in the video is not uncommon:

    Street harassment disproportionately impacts women, people of color, LGBTQ individuals, and young people. Although the degree to which Shoshana gets harassed is shocking -- the reality is that the harassment that people of color and LGBTQ individuals face is oftentimes more severe and more likely to escalate into violence. These forms of harassment are not just sexist -- but also racist and homophobic in nature."

    They're saying this harassment is "racist" in nature and for women of color it's more severe and likely to escalate into violence". ????

    The woman in the video is white and the harassers are black but women of "color" have it worse from "racists". In order for their harassment to be "racist" their harassers would have to be white. Right? C'mon we know it's an underhanded way of suggesting "white men". So there's these masses of white guys tormenting "women of color" with street harassment. I wonder where they are? All those black men I see doing this must leave the street and harassing white guys must sneak onto the street and mount their racist attacks on black women whenever I go inside. That must be it.
    How did I never realize that? Jerry PDX
