Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Crime: The Races are Very Different

By Prince George's County Expat

And you will find that the perps are almost always black. If you are a good liberal, you won’t like this, but after three months on the street you will not have the faintest doubt. If you are a suburban conservative out of Reader’s Digest, you will be surprised at the starkness of the racial delineation.

All cops know this. They know better than to say it. This can be tricky for black cops, especially if former military who believe in law and order.

Fred Reed, “What Cops Really Do,” August 23, 2014
Three of my Dad's brothers were Washington, D.C. cops. One of them, Uncle Jack, was a homicide detective.

Everything Fred says is true.

That's because Fred used to write such stories while living in Washington, D.C.

Out of the over 800 murders my late Uncle Jack investigated, only 11 involved white victims.

Uncle Jack was a D.C. cop over 40 years ago. This was when D.C. still had a significant population of white residents, not to mention white tourists and white suburbanites who worked in D.C.

Only 11 white victims of homicide in D.C. during his 13-year tenure as a homicide detective. Stunning when you think about it.

There are significant differences among the races.

And those who deny these differences should live in a "gritty" part of town like I did, when I lived in Old East Dallas almost 20 years ago.

One day I rounded a street corner about a mile from home, and a saw a black male lying in the gutter. His body was still. It was in the middle of the day. Did I stop? Hell, no. I kept on driving.

Ditto for one night on the town. Was driving down Ross Avenue towards downtown after last call, and drove by a black couple. They were at a bus stop. The black male was beating the shit out of the female. Did I stop? Hell, no. Remember, this was a few years before cell phones became ubiquitous. I had no phone. Today I still would not stop, but I most certainly call 911. But well past the scene of any crime.


  1. "Out of the over 800 murders my late Uncle Jack investigated, only 11 involved white victims."

    And I bet a very high percentage of those whitey victims were killed by a negro perpetrator.

    AND almost none of those negro that were victim were killed by a whitey. It does not go both ways.

  2. Above my front door I have a sign that urges any would be burglars or strong armed robbers to "Please visit ______and Sons Mortuary" directly down the road because you will need it.

    I am sick of having every neighborhood force integrated by the govt. From Section 8 to mandatory "low income housing" it is pure war on we the people.

    Now HUD is all in on the war against us by mapping out "zones" they determine that need some diversity.

    The scam Immigrant Resettlement Agency colluded with HUD to bring in swarms of Somali Muslims into Cheyenne and if anyone complains they are berated with the endless list of leftist talking points.

    Finding an area which is not only free of "diversity" but is diversity proof is becoming more difficult.

    I think the great awakening taking place among Americans has a lot to do with them finally figuring out that not only does "going along to get along" not work, but every suburb they run to is taken over by the hordes in short order.

    The colored races complain endlessly about whitey while they flood into our communities. It's high time to end this government sponsored hostile takeover of our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Because when the brown and black hordes rush in those three things are impossible. Existing to be fleeced to pay for the comforts of a bunch of violent and hostile welfare dependents and criminal leeches does make for happiness.

    It's time to exert our fundamental right for self determination and our right to free association--free of the black and brown hordes.
