Monday, May 26, 2014

Saving Private Ryan: Complete Score, and John Williams Talks about Scoring Ryan



May 30, 2011, 5:30 a.m.
Saving Private Ryan Soundtrack composed by John Williams, performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

Somber music for a somber movie.

John Williams is God’s gift to the movies.

When Aaron Copland (1900-1990) composed music for a movie, he would not only write stunning music, but lots of it, so that a picture like The Red Pony might contain over a solid hour of music, very little of it repeat themes. He took twice as long writing a score as the typical composer, and he demanded and got a much higher fee—and he earned every bit of it. The opening theme alone to The Red Pony is so stunning that when my 10-year-old son and I saw the picture for the first time last summer, and the opening credits cited Copland, my son said, without prompting, “Thank you, Aaron.”

Although there is a fair amount of repetition in this score, it still blows me away how many great individual themes John Williams wrote for one picture, and how powerful they are, not just the requiem. We Stix men feel the same way about seeing John Williams’ name in the credits as we do about Aaron Copland.


[Postscript, Memorial Day, 2012: Unfortunately, I just found that the movie folks have exercised their prerogative, and forced Youtube to cease from hosting all but Williams' requiem to Ryan.]

Memorial Day, 2013: I posted the best Youtube version I could find of each passage, but after “Hymn to the Fallen,” which is the version I’ve used since the original post, they all stop and start.

Memorial Day, 2014: I was most fortunate to be able to find a complete soundtrack, thanks to Soundtrack Universes, which saved me from my annual ritual of patching together bits and pieces of the score, one step ahead of the Kopyright Kops. But download this one, while you can!


[HQ] Saving Privat Ryan Soundtrack - OST - John Williams (complete)


Thanks for the upload to Soundtrack Universes.


Edith Piaf: “Tu Es Partou”
English Translation:

We loved each other tenderly,
Like we loved all lovers,
Then one day you left me,
Ever since I've been desperate,
I see you everywhere in the sky,
I see you everywhere on the earth,
You are my joy and my sun,
My nights, my days, my clear dawns.


You are everywhere, because you are in my heart,
You are everywhere, because you are my happiness,
Everything that is around me,
Even life does not represent you,
Sometimes I dream that I am in your arms,
And you speak softly in my ear,
You tell me things that make me close my eyes,
And I find that marvelous.

Maybe one day you will return,
I know that my heart waits for you,
You cannot forget,
The past days we spent together,
My eyes never stop searching for you,
Listen well, my heart calls you,
We can love each other again,
And you’ll see life would be beautiful.



1 comment:

  1. I loved that movie back in the day.

    Tom Hanks is a quality actor but from listening to him I've got to believe he is a liberal and a democrat.

    Perhaps since I last heard him talking he has decided to embrace his personal responsibility to mature.

    Any bets on that?

    Any way I just posted this up on Countenance and offer it here at Nick's for what it is worth.

    It is hard to honor the memory of those who served and died for a country that no longer exists.

    I know this because I was born in July, 1954, a time when America was still the most magnificent achievement of the white man's higher culture of civilization, it was still our white, Founding Father's free enterprise Republic of liberty to pursue wealth and happiness. Most of all, it was still, the white man's land.

    All that is gone now. Today, if you are a non-liberal, non-apostate white you are evil incarnate, guilty of persecuting to crucify every parasitic sub-species of human aboard planet Earth. America has been transmogrified.

    Thank God almighty those young men and women, who died serving the cause of America cannot see what they died for now.

    If Jesus the Nazarene, was at the end of his ministry, if his hour of great tribulation of persecuted to be crucified approached, and he could see the lowly negro would inherit the Earth, would he still see it through?

    It is not enough to give it all you've got, it is even more important to know the cause, for and to which you give all you've got.

    On this Memorial Monday, I shall remember the America of which, those who gave their all for, gave, and not the new, transmogrified white liberal dystopia we have become. The America which truly became the achieved pinnacle of the white man's higher culture of civilization, the America that was, the envy of planet Earth.

    May we non-liberal, non-apostate whites, as with the Phoenix, rise from the ashes of our death to be reborn, and reborn better than ever.

    Our coming new White Homeland beckons us, our white posterity has faith in us.

    Let us not fail on our watch.

    From the Sanctuary,
    I'm PDK, Thank you.
