Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Media Cover-Up of Planned, Ft. Lauderdale Racist Terror Attacks Follows a Clear Pattern


Fort Lauderdale Police shutting down A1A

[Previously, on this black riot, at WEJB/NSU:

“Ft. Lauderdale: Hundreds of Racist Blacks Commit Planned Memorial Day Riot on Beach, Committing Hate Crimes Against Whites; Local Media Downplay Matters, While National MSM Say, ‘Shhh!’”; and

“More on the Racist, Black Ft. Lauderdale Lynch Mob, and the Media Cover-Up.”]

By Nicholas Stix

The local media (CBS Local 4 and World Now’s WSVN, while the Miami Herald has merely blogged off of CBS), that covered this black riot at all are all following the same m.o.:

• Refusing to show the photographs and videos that viewers sent them of the attacks;
• Instead, showing videos of massive mobilizations of policemen;
• Refusing to show or broadcast interviews with the white victims; and
• Insisting on only playing powder-puff interviews with black non-victims who look and sound “positive,” middle-class, and educated.

My favorite blogger observed:
Cops don’t show up in riot gear just for overexuberant yoots.

WSVN-TV - 7NEWS Miami Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco

Dozens arrested after reports of unruly crowds on Ft. Lauderdale Beach
Posted: May 26, 2014 11:15 P.M. EST Updated: May 27, 2014 11:39 A.M. EST

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (WSVN) -- A large police presence took over Fort Lauderdale Beach Monday, shutting down A1A for nearly an hour after, investigators said, hundreds of [racist black] people showed up to cause violence on Memorial Day.

Pictures sent by 7News viewers showed Fort Lauderdale Police gathering on A1A to disperse those who, officials said, specifically came to fight. "It was a pretty rowdy crowd," said witness Jamar Artist. "Pretty much, like, [black] people were bum-rushing [whites] each other, a lot of [white] people were getting trampled on their way out."

Police said the alleged [?] brawlers gathered at Fort Lauderdale Park and began [attacking whites] fighting, then moved to the area of Beach Place, where the mayhem continued. "The [black] individuals that came here today are not individuals that were coming to visit the beach or to enjoy the long weekend," said Fort Lauderdale Police Detective DeAnna Greenlaw. "The individuals that came here today came to cause a problem."

Fort Lauderdale Police and the Broward Sheriff's Office's Field Force teams made dozens of arrests for everything from [assault and battery] fighting to drug possession. They also closed three bridges leading to the beach to help disperse the crowd.

A bus was damaged as a result of the day's events.

It is a Memorial Day that visitors who got caught in the middle of it all won't soon forget. "I just saw the crowd running, and it smelled like pepper spray," said a witness.

Investigators are trying to determine whether [organizers using] social media played a role in prompting the unruly crowd to meet at Fort Lauderdale Park.

Police continue investigating.


  1. Thanks for your kind words and for the link, Baloo!

  2. Good job Nick:

    I was just over at Countenance, Count had a similar post, hope it is okay to post here what I posted there.

    I leave it in your hands sir.

    The poor, innocent and lowly negro, with no one outside himself to rightfully blame for his own negro upon negro enslavement, whether back in mother Africa or right here in America were one Anthony Johnson reinstated the policy of negro enslaving negro via a victory in the British courts circa 1656, and this after the evil white man had lifted the negro up out of his negro upon negro enslavement upon their arrival in the new American colonies.

    Check out the Angolan African negro, Mr. Anthony Johnson's story online.

    The poor, innocent and lowly negro, with no one outside himself to rightfully blame for his physically smaller, lower IQed cerebrum that his gene pool endows him with. No one to rightfully blame for his incapability to create or maintain the white man's higher culture of civilization.

    What can the poor, innocent and lowly negro do? He is so frustrated...

    Read the rest here @ http://the-pdk.blogspot.com/
    From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

  3. Start using the #AskWhy hashtag whenever the media covers up racist flash mob stories.

    (Example: Media ignored an attack by hundreds of unknown assailants on a beach yesterday in Florida. #AskWhy)
