Monday, April 07, 2014

Shameless Detroit News Writer Laura Berman Turns Reality Upside Down in Hate Crime


Mandi Emerick says the family is waiting for her dad, Steven Utash, who's in critical condition, 'to wake up.' (Family photo)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Thanks to reader-researcher RC for this article.

I posted the following comments:

Laura Berman,

You cover up the racial character of the crime, and then cite all sorts of things that whites have done—raise money for the white victim, do “Good Detroit” things—and insinuate that racist black Detroiters did those things. You’re shameless. If whites don’t step up and tell the truth, Detroit will never improve. Blacks certainly won’t do it.

And to Stephen Grady, Chief of Staff, Office of the Council President at City of Detroit, who not only denied that the attack was racially motivated, but asserted,

As much as you may try to make this a racial issue, these days, any driver who hit the young boy would have probably been beaten. The media is trying to enflame people without the facts. Did anyone hear the crowd shouting racial taunts or hate speech? If not, then stop making this a race thing when it is really a result of the climate of anger and rage... which has no color.

N.S.: Stephen Grady,

You're a transparent, racist liar.


April 5, 2014 at 1:00 am
Berman: Brutal beating shows extreme side of bad Detroit
By Laura Berman
Detroit News

• Laura Berman


We live in Detroit Extreme, a place where man’s inhumanity to man is too often just one child’s step off the curb.

Today Bad Detroit is being lapped up by everyone from the New York Daily News to the London Independent. “White Man Beaten by Detroit Mob” was the way CBS local news insensitively headlined the story.

A Clinton Township man trying to help a stricken child becomes the focus of an irate mob of young Detroiters clustered at a gas station. They swarm the older man and beat him into unconsciousness, leaving him without his wallet, phone or — perhaps — any kind of future.

It’s a terrible story: shocking and brutal, appalling in its unfairness. Worse, it revives fears of the city we so often try to push aside like unappealing food on a plate.

Steve Utash, 54, a father, a tree cutter who is careful about saving squirrels and other wildlife as he works, is still in a coma. Driving on the city’s northeast side, he struck 10-year-old David Harris, a child who had casually stepped off the curb, without warning.

You know what happened then: Utash hit his brakes as soon as he realized the child had been hit. Then, the gas station crowd swarms, pummeling Utash to the ground.

Now young Harris remains under observation at the hospital, bandaged but OK. And Utash is in an intensive care unit, fighting for his life.

At the moment, we are working with few facts and much emotion. We have no names for the youths who attacked Utash so viciously, no firsthand testimony, no rationale for what led them to cruelty. If there was a racial tinge to their brutality, we don’t know it.

Maybe they leapt to conclusions about a stranger driving a truck, a child crying in pain. Maybe they believed, at first, they were delivering justice in a city where police protection is minimal, response time is painfully slow and even the police chief urges citizens to arm themselves.

By all accounts, Steve Utash couldn’t stop in time. By all accounts, he tried. For his sense of responsibility, for the serendipity of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he is paying a fearsome price.

Yet an incident like this doesn’t entice Jesse Jackson to change his plans for the weekend or inspire vigils or even introspection.

It pushes people backward, across our tired mental and physical boundaries. It undermines our faith in people, pushes us to recalibrate our measure of the likely kindness of strangers. That’s why the mayor is urging calm.

But we can all pull for Steve Utash and remember that Detroit’s often a place that can stun you with its generosity of spirit. By Friday afternoon, a donation website had pulled in more than $24,000 to pay Utash’s medical expenses.

An unfettered mob of misguided vigilantes is always bad news. In any city on earth.

On so many days, we celebrate Good Detroit — the Detroit of revival, of artisanal food stuffs and tai chi on the riverfront, of new office buildings or young people opening new businesses in the city’s heart. That’s Detroit Extreme, too — a place the world is almost as eager to hear about as the one that dropped Steve Utash to the ground.
(313) 222-2032


  1. "his head bandaged but OK". Too bad this BERMAN is not in the hospital with her head bandaged but OK. That might be appropriate.

  2. Let us repeat this over and over ad infinitum. The kid walked into the vehicle and the driver did NOT strike the "victim"

  3. "any driver would be beaten". What the foo. means to say is that ANY WHITE driver hitting a colored kid in a negro neighborhood would be beaten.

  4. The mayor of Detroit urges calm. Calm from what? Does the moron honestly think that whitey is going to seek revenge or something. Or maybe other colored with "ape" the actions of the mob from the other day. "Ape" as in monkey see monkey do.
