Monday, April 07, 2014

Mickey Rooney is Gone, and Look What We’re Stuck with!


Rooney as a child performer

In 1945

By Nicholas Stix

Mickey Rooney died yesterday, at 93. I’ll have more to say about this show biz giant, but I just want to remark on the cheap shot a Today Show writer took at Rooney in her obit this morning. After showing images of Rooney from his endless, glorious career, and mentioning his eight marriages and 11 children, reader Savannah Guthrie closes by saying that he was charged with “racism” for his performance in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

“But he also had his critics. Some called this performance in Breakfast at Tiffany’s ‘racist.’”

I said to The Boss, That man had so much talent, to which she responded, “And now… he’s a racist.”

“And who defend him?”

First of all, Today had no business bringing up that scurrilous charge, in the first place. Second of all, it was a classic case of, “A half-truth is a whole lie.”

Breakfast at Tiffany’s was released in 1961. Guthrie was implying that Rooney was charged at the time with racism, i.e., that the past 53 years, the charge hung on him like a scarlet letter.

The truth is, no one charged Rooney with racism. The movie came out, was a popular and critical hit, and Rooney provided comic relief as “the Jap,” as the unseen figure was called in Truman Capote’s eponymous novella.

As Mr. Yunioshi, in Breakfast at Tiffany’s

It wasn’t until almost 50 years later that talentless, racist, Asian American activists began a campaign against Rooney over Breakfast at Tiffany’s. They hadn’t even seen the picture; they only saw scenes with Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi, the frustrated little Japanese photographer who lives above high class prostitute-protagonist Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn), and who is driven to distraction by her habit of forgetting her house keys, and ringing his buzzer at all hours of the night, for him to let her in.

The talentless, racist activists were getting an almost 50 year belated “revenge” against Rooney, because the role hadn’t been given to an inferior, Asian talent.


Testifying before Congress on elder abuse as a nonagenarian

I tweeted,

Shame on you, Savannah Guthrie, for your cheap shot against Mickey Rooney! He remains a giant, but you’re a pc pygmy!

I also tweeted it to her directly, adding,

(I used to like you.)

Of course, Guthrie didn’t write the obit; she’s just a talking head. However, when I called The Today Show, the staffer I spoke with was unable to determine who had written the obit.


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  1. Photos say it all in this one. Jerry

  2. Not sure if you want to post this Nick but here it is anyway, you can choose for yourself.

    About ten years ago, I was listening to a talk radio show in Phoenix.

    The guest was a Hollywood insider who collected all sorts of Hollywood stories and realities.

    The first and most important was about Milton Berl and that Milton had a huge cock. But so too Mickey, little Mickey, supposedly had a cock himself.

    So one night at a party, Mickey challenged Milton by saying "well, lets both show and then we all will see". To which Milton replied, " I'll only show enough to win".

    I never forgot that story.

    It should be a who cares, but once you hear it you never forget it.


    From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

  3. In the past several months, I have started to notice how the media treats the term Jap as compared with the term Nazi. Why do Japanese get a pass on their horrendous atrocities especially those in China while the German are forever doomed? I had never really paid much attention to this until recently.

  4. Douglas:

    If I remember correctly, in the Clinton administration, Bill apologized to the Japanese and gave the relatives of the American Japanese interned during WW2, 20,000 dollars each.

    Bill, baby, you were so big, you gave white taxpayer dollars, to the tune of 20 Gs, to the American Japanese, because we white Americans interred them during WW2, are you not something special! Wowsa!

    BTW, it was the Japanese that attacked America, it was referred to as Pearl Harbor.

    However, nothing was given to the Italians who were also interred.

    Worse still, nothing was given to the Germans, who were interred in both WW1, and WW2.

    In my lifetime, born July 54, Hollywood, that is right, liberal Hollywood, made a big thing in movies about how we whites wronged the oriental Japanese of America because they looked different. But they never peeped once about how we American whites wrong the Italians of America once, and the Germans of America twice, because we look the same.

    Ya that's right, liberal ideology tells the truth, but not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the whole truth, of reality.

    Crystal City, Texas is where the German Americans were interred during WW2.

    From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

  5. Mickey Rooney - the last star from the Merrie Melodies short Hollywood Steps Out.

  6. PDK,

    There is a 1997 book by Arnold Krammer titled "Undue Process," covering the German internment. The government didn't intern even more German nationals than they did because there were so many in the United States in 1941-42.

    David In TN

  7. Thanks David:

    The fact that Hollywood has made such a huge brouhaha over the Japanese internment, but nothing about the German and Italian interments, is a testament to liberal Hollywood's shilling for liberal ideology ultimating in miscegenation and mulattoism.

    Liberalism is the failure to mature or transcend insanity.

    Liberalism is the iceberg targeting the Titanic.

    From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

  8. "talentless, racist, Asian American activists"
    By you calling them "talentless", you are showing WHY these TALENTED activists stood up against Mickey Looney in the first place, RACIST. Also, HOW ARE THEY RACIST!!!!???????? They stood up AGAINST racism!

  9. To Douglas: HOW do Asians get a free pass? It is STILL acceptable even today in 2014 to insult Asians. Also, jap IS ON PAR with the term "nazi"! They're both racist terms, so please THINK before you post.

  10. People as stupid as you all make me wish there were a cure. I'll be honest with you all, I wish it were legal to shoot you all. Fuck Mickey looney. I'm glad that racist piece of shit is dead. GOOD RIDDANCE, MICKEY!!! And FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!!
