Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cowardly Supporter of Confessed Seattle Hate Crime Murderer Byron White, Killer of David L. Peterson, Writes


War crime victim David L. Peterson, and his wife, Kimberly, Christmas 2010

Confessed war criminal Byron White flashing gang signs

By Nicholas Stix

Re: “Hate Crime in Seattle: Black ‘Teen’ Byron White Murders White David L. Peterson, 54; Pathetic Eloi Widow Has Already Forgiven Her Husband’s Murderer, and Other Eloi are Focusing on ‘Gun Violence’; Seattle Times Shut Down All Commenting, Lied About It, and Covered Up Killer’s Identity.”

Anonymous said...
I know the female and the other male. This is still an on going investigation and no one is at liberty to talk about what happened. I am amazed at how media can easily distort the facts. What is just as amazing is how gullible the readers can be. There are many broken hearts over this crime and my condolences to both families.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 10:42:00 PM EDT
Nicholas Stix responds to Anonymous Coward:

“I know the female and the other male.”

How so? And what is the significance of your knowing them? Are you trying to impress me? What is your point?

“This is still an on going investigation and no one is at liberty to talk about what happened.”

That’s a lie. If it were “an on going investigation,” the confessed murderer wouldn’t have been charged with first-degree murder seven days before you posted your lying comment. Charging some one with a crime entails the authorities “talk[ing] about what happened.”

“I am amazed at how media can easily distort the facts.”

How did the “media … distort the facts”? The only one distorting facts here is you!

“What is just as amazing is how gullible the readers can be.”

The only “gullible” people would be those who fall for a pathetic liar like you.

“There are many broken hearts over this crime and my condolences to both families.”

“Both families”? There’s only one family to give condolences to. To what other family would you be extending condolences?

Oh, I see. You see the racist, cold-blooded, black killer as just as much a victim as the white man he murdered. That means you don’t care at all about justice. Are you a member of the racist killer’s defense team, perchance?


  1. Seattle; that is in the part of America I'm presently calling the "chosen 5" states, the states of America's North West, targeted for a new White Homeland.

    The husband and wife victims were probably both liberals, aka, deniers of reality. They represent the white population that must be overcome by non-liberal whites for the God sent mission of making manifest the creation of a new White Homeland.

    Negros will I think, have to find life so tough in the new White Homeland they leave of their own free will.

    As bad as abducting, beating, raping and then murdering our white women is, miscegenation is by far, much worse.

    Ultimately the lowly negro, with his physically smaller, lower IQed cerebrum, wants to better his kind by miscegenating with whites, whereby the parasitation of our white genes and white gene pool transpires.

    This is good for the negro, bad for the whites.

    Those mulattos produced can never be fully white again.

    Who could do this to their own offspring?

    People forced to accept white liberal ideology, and of course stupid, immature and insane whites, the white liberals.

    A new white Homeland can be achieved with faith and time.

    May God himself, deliver us to our new Promised Land for non-liberal whites.

    For our beloved, coming posterity.

    From the Sanctuary, still blogging at
    -I'm PDK: Thank you.

  2. I was out in the Seattle area last year and forget about it. It appeared to me that whitey is in the minority at least in the Seattle area. NOT ONLY negro but other oriental races are predominant. I am sure the census statistics tell a different story but that was my impression.

  3. Daily Kenn has remarked that we always hear about the "unarmed Trayvon," but reporters don't say "the unarmed David Peterson."

    David In TN
