Saturday, February 15, 2014

You Can't Make This Stuff Up Department: The MSM’s Efforts to Hide the Reality of Black Crime Against Whites is Becoming a Self-Parody (Black Cleveland Hate Crime Attack on White Disabled Vet)

File photo of a man in handcuffs (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)
“File photo of a man in handcuffs (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images).” CBS News has refused to publish any mug shots of suspects Kenneth Matthews and Ronald Reid Williams, and has refused to even name their 16-year-old, female crime partner, even though 16-year-olds are old enough to name in news reports.

By Jesse Mossman

The mainstream media's efforts to hide the reality of black crime against whites is becoming a self-parody. Witness this report of a mob of "teenagers" (whenever they say "teens," "youths," etc., everyone knows they mean blacks) attacking a disabled veteran--and the picture they use is of a WHITE guy in handcuffs.

Note that the victim reported what the attackers said, so there is no doubt they were black:

“What they were saying was, ‘Knock that boy out!’ ‘White boy.’ ‘Cracker,’” he was quoted as saying about the incident. “They were saying, ‘Knock that white boy out.’”
Although the black racist criminals are sickening, it is hard not to laugh at the pathetically PC reporters.

N.S.: Note that as of 5:16 p.m. today, the article lists 7,461 reader comments. Compare this to similar articles, where the article may show no comments, just a few, the thread Nazis have completely removed the commenting option, and/or sent all comments down the memory hole. This is the sort of response a popular MSM Web site gets, when it permits readers to comment on black hate crimes. Anyone want to bet on how long they stay up?


  1. An attack of this type is not only racist but the perpetrators are using lethal force whether they realize it or not.

    The victim was disabled. Normally the sentence for attacking a handicapped or disabled person is three times the normal.

    Since these were "teens" don't expect such harsh treatment, whether merited or not.

  2. Attacks of this nature are referred to in legal terms as "savage and barbaric". Without provocation.

    Normally ONLY savages and barbarians commit cimes that are "savage and barbaric".

  3. That veteran would have been totally justified to pull out a handgun and begin to shoot in his self defense. This WAS the use of lethal force.

  4. That man in handcuffs is probably a Mexican gangbanger? Note the tattoo on both hands.

    In some locales Mexican gangbangers when booked are classified as "white".

  5. Always the same language directed at whites by the colored.

    White "boy" [a middle aged man].



    And the colored have the nerve to call whites racist!


  6. Just like Treyvons referring to Zimmerman as a nigger and a "creepy white assed kill your neighbors cracker". [the media described it as a "creepy guy"]

  7. They probably attacked the veteran because HE W2AS DISABLED!

    Just like a pack of animals on the Serengeti attacking a wounded, sick, old, enfeebled prey animal.

  8. And they onder why we hate niggers. The color of their skiin identifies the evil beneath the surface. Hell the color is the least offensive thing about a gdamn nigger. Its your fucked up attitudes.
