Tuesday, February 11, 2014

HLN Host and Defense Attorney “Expert”: That Michael Dunn Defends Himself Against Prosecutor John Guy Proves He’s Guilty!

By Nicholas Stix

The beautiful, white HLN host remarked, shocked, “Only two or three minutes into cross, and he’s (Dunn) being combative.”

One of HLN’s railroading experts, black defense attorney Eric Guster responded, “Michael Dunn is a defense attorney’s nightmare”… “hostile and combative.”

Of course, Dunn is being combative. Guy keeps putting words in his mouth. If Dunn doesn’t verbally smack down Guy, the jurors will conclude that Guy is telling the truth, and that Dunn is guilty as hell.

If Dunn were black, I have no doubt that Guster would not be accusing him of being “hostile and combative.”

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