Tuesday, February 04, 2014

“Bad Heroin,” as Opposed to the “Good” Kind? (Philip Seymour Hoffman)

By Nicholas Stix

Countenance Blog


Worrying that "bad" heroin killed Philip Seymour Hoffman is like worrying that the water you're drowning in is too wet.

A tip ‘o the hate to a certain 13-year-old researcher and Countenance fan, who shall remain nameless. However, this much I will divulge about his identity: He is not Countenance’s biggest fan. We all know who that is.


  1. Yeah. The press wouldn't want this to be a lesson about not taking ILLEGAL drugs. Seymour probably started out on marijuana as a teen then graduated to stuff like cocaine and heroin.
    The moral of this death: Don't use illegal drugs.

  2. I'll bet that 13-year old researcher is the best one you've got.

    David In TN

  3. Would the 13-year old in question who is my second biggest fan also have the surname Stix or be very closely related to someone that does?

  4. It is suggested that some sort of drug 100 times more potent than morphine is being mixed with the heroin. As if the heroin by itself is not potent enough.

  5. These actors before they are signed for a role are supposed to undergo a physical exam to see if they are healthy and CLEAN.

    Hoffman had a number of major roles for a long time. So why wasn't his "condition" found out?

  6. The media says something good will come of this [they always say that].

    People will NOW be alert to the dangers of heroin.

    As if they were not before.

    Since at least the mid 1950's heroin has been a problem. And now only people are "learning".

  7. I'm not disagreeing with your point.

    Look at what happened during Prohibition. People died from bad booze that was cooked up at home ie: bathtub gin. Criminals took control of every aspect of liquor. (St.Valentine's Day massacre)

    The argument is that if heroin was legal, there would be controls on it. As well as taxation, I might add. If you go to a bar, buy a drink and suffer serious medical consequences and/or die, a couple of someones could be held legally responsible. That would include the manufacturer and the bar owner.

    With heroin illegal it's very easy for it to be tampered with and no one is held responsible. The unnecessary deaths can continue.

    I do not advocate taking heroin. Unfortunately, the fact remains that many people do. Shouldn't they at least be given the chance to stay alive? They could always change their minds at some point.

    In the case of Phillip Seymour Hoffman
    he was a devoted and loving father of three children all under the age of 11. He had a son and two daughters.
    Nothing like that other father figure who has been in the news this week.

    When you write about him please remember that while he was an addict there are three children who are going to a funeral today.
