Thursday, September 05, 2013

Oberlin Students Dylan Bleier and Matt Alden’s “KKK” Hoax, Explained in 35 Words by the Countenance Blogmeister, and a Whole Lot More Words by Legal Insurrection’s William Jacobson and The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross

Oberlin College racist Dylan Bleier

By Nicholas Stix

Go to the seventh asterisk at Countenance.

The whole megillah is at Legal Insurrection.


  1. Don't you just love snarky bloggers that can just net things out? The world needs more of them.

  2. The HATE is strong within progressives/cultural Marxists. There is so little true racism on-campus that the progs perpetrate crimes **themselves**. As someone wise said, "Liberalism is a mental disease" (Michael Savage?)

  3. Interesting.

    They are woefully ignorant of history.

    The KKK was a creation of the Democratic Party.

  4. Oberlin’s administration has yet to refute the numerous allegations that they knew this was a hoax prior to the cancellation of classes and prior to the various and sundry Marxist Professor’s calls for student “anti-racist” demonstrations. In a Court of Law one’s refusal to answer can not be used against them, in the Court of Public Opinion the silence of the Oberlin College Administration certainly gives the appearance of guilt.

  5. The photo of matt alden is the wrong person...

  6. That's not the right Matthew ALden
