Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Indianapolis: Why We Need Gun Control! Colorless Woman Victimizes Raceless Youths with Legal Gun!

The whole world now knows what crime victim Kari Bird looks like, but no one outside of her, the police, and the media knows what her attackers look like

By Nicholas Stix

Thanks to reader-researcher “W” for the sendalong.

Gun control is affirmative action for racist, black and brown felons. Not accidentally, but by design.

As far as gun-grabbers—including feminists—are concerned, white Kari Bird should have been carjacked, kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered by now, just like Channon Christian. They would then have seen to it that her story was suppressed.

Even the supposedly conservative Fox News and Washington Times refused to report on the race of Kari Bird’s attackers, which was the giveaway that they were black. So, her attackers have seen her face, both in the dark, and by daylight via the media, but the public has not seen sketches nor even heard the actual description Bird gave of her attackers. Way to go, conservatives! That’ll surely earn you lots of brownie points with your communist colleagues elsewhere in the MSM... not!

Indianapolis woman turns tables on would-be carjacking teenagers
By Jessica Chasmar
The Washington Times
Monday, September 9, 2013
[See video here.]

An Indianapolis woman turned the tables on a group of would-be carjacking teenagers after she met one of the suspect’s barrel with a gun of her own.

Law student Kari Bird was exiting her car outside her home at 11:30 p.m. Wednesday when a group of three or four male youths, ages 14 to 17, approached her, a local Fox affiliate reported.

“I really didn’t think too much about it, one of [them] was smiling,” Ms. Bird said — that is, until the smiling man pulled out a firearm.

“He told me to … give him my keys,” Ms. Bird told the station.

Shortly after handing over her keys, the woman remembered that all of her very pricey law books were still in the car. She quickly reacted by reaching into her center console and drawing her own gun on the suspect.

“[He said], ‘Oh, [expletive], and then ran,” said Ms. Bird, who is also a mother. “If these were my kids and they were out at 11:30 at night, terrorizing women, I would scare the life out of them,” Ms. Bird said.

“I do have a gun carry permit and I do carry a gun. I yanked over my passenger door and pulled it out and at that point, they scattered,” she said told the station. “It is personal protection, but I have never had to use it.”

The law student wasn’t ready to advocate for gun ownership, but she did say people, especially women, should keep aware of their surroundings.

“You have to be aware of what can happen,” Ms. Bird said.

Police have not yet found any of the suspects. The one who allegedly pulled the gun was described as husky and wearing a black hoodie.

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