Saturday, August 10, 2013

Peter Brimelow: The Proper Response to the Race-Baiting of Steve King is to Point Out That His Persecutors are Traitors!

Rep. Steve King (America-Iowa)

By Nicholas Stix

Thinking About the King Kerfuffle: The Answer to False Charges of “Racism” is the Truthful Charge of Treason
By Peter Brimelow

Of course Rep. Steve King was accused of “racism” when he noted recently that the much-mythologized young illegal aliens who become high school valedictorians are far outnumbered by those who enter as drug mules—for example, by professional token Hispanic columnist Ruben Navarrette here. The charge, needless to say, caused Establishment Republicans to flee in panic.
Why “of course”? Because the modern definition of “racism” is “someone who is winning an argument with a liberal”—or, too often nowadays, with a libertarian or with a cheap-labor Republican.

[Read the whole thing here.]

1 comment:

  1. Another useful term to use against those who allege racism is "race hustler."
