Monday, August 12, 2013

In Gary, Indiana, One of America’s Most Violent (i.e., Blackest) Cities, Pro-Criminal, Black Supremacist Former Mayor Richard Hatcher Wants “Gun Control”

Black supremacist Richard Hatcher, now 80, in his glory days, ca 1970
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

A tip ‘o the hate to One Old Vet

Richard Hatcher, Gary’s first black mayor, deserves the lion’s share of the credit for making Gary what it is. He ruled over the city for 20 years—1968 through 1987—and it was on his watch that the city once famous for steel mills became, for a time, America’s murder capital. Hatcher apparently seeks a return to that glory. He can’t be so stupid as to believe that “gun control” ordinances would take guns out of criminals’ hands. No, he’s looking to help criminals, just as he always has. As far as he’s concerned, black criminals are a revolutionary army.

Gary gang violence spurs call for local gun laws
updated 8/11/2013, 10:18:22 A.M. ET

Rising homicides and an increase in gang violence are sparking calls for local gun laws in Gary despite a state law that bars local ordinances regulating firearms.

The state is sending technical assistance to Gary and has ordered city leaders to work with the Indiana State Police to identify needs. The U.S. Department of Justice also is consulting city officials.

Former Gary Mayor Richard Hatcher tells The Times in Munster Gary's problems aren't new. He says lawmakers need to rethink their stance on local gun rules.

Hatcher says cities with low crime rates might not want local gun-control laws, but communities like Gary that are battling violence would benefit from them.

Republican state Sen. Carlin Yoder of Middlebury says the idea tramples on the Second Amendment.

Information from: The Times

1 comment:

  1. The only thing they should do is to adopt Vermont carry laws so you could load up as many guns and ammo as you can carry. Allowing ANY local government to make anti-Second Amendment laws leads directly to Chicago guns laws like Gun registration and MASSIVE registration fees PER GUN, paying fees every couple of years to Chicago, bans on assault rifles and large cap mags, bans on laser sights. The LOWEST form of life in Chicago is the GUN CONTROLLER.
