Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Countenance: The New York City Mayoral Race Comes Down to the Cost of Condoms and the Cost of Crime

By Nicholas Stix

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“Countenance Blog Praises Joe Lhota in NYC Mayor’s Race; Joe Who?”]

Countenance Blogmeister wrote minutes ago:

Just read on the front of Drudge that that far left oil driller Bill de Blasio is now the Democrat front runner. If he wins the nomination, and Lhota keeps campaigning on SQF [stop, question, frisk], it won't be Joe Who, it will be Mr. Mayor.

I take him, as the only sane man in the race, as someone who, in a city full of people who pay either way too much or nothing at all for condoms, pays close to the big box mart national average when he buys condoms.
New York voters, which includes me, will have a choice between a dictatorship of colored criminals and a dictatorship of increasingly colored cops. Christine Quinn is the most aggressively pro-criminal candidate, though black former comptroller, Bill Thompson, recently emphasized his support of colored criminals, in order to boost his practically invisible campaign. (Invisible, because the pro-Quinn media had made it that way.)

There is no liberty option. And that includes freedom of speech.

Heck, it’s almost six years since New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly’s Gestapo (Hate Crimes Task Force) chief, now Deputy Chief Michael Osgood, hunted for a white man for committing a “hate crime,” simply because the man had complained on a flier of the then over 20-year-long tradition of violent black racism at elementary school P.S. 225 (since rebranded as “The Waterside School,” and now containing elementary school, PS 317/(27Q317)/PS317Q, The Waterside School, and middle school MS318/27Q318, The Waterside School for Leadership.

Amid much media praise, Commissioner Kelly rewarded Osgood for his violations of white New Yorkers’ civil liberties by promoting him to Deputy Chief, and adding running the also politicized Special Victims Division to Commissar Osgood’s portfolio.

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