Sunday, August 04, 2013

Chicago Police Caught in New Cover-Up of Massive Black Racist Violence on Same Beaches as on Memorial Day, 2011!

(Credit: CBS)

Re-posted, with a running translation, by Nicholas Stix

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“The Great Chicago Memorial Day Gang Attack Cover-Up.”]

9-1-1 Calls Depict Chaos, Gangs On Chicago’s Lakefront
August 1, 2013 10:06 PM
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Reporting Suzanne Le Mignot

(CBS) – Lit fireworks thrown into crowds. Purses and phones stolen. Gangs beating up people and fighting with each other on Oak Street Beach.

Those are some of the occurrences callers reported to 9-1-1 operators on the night of the July 4.
CBS 2′s Suzanne Le Mignot reviewed tapes of the calls.

At 9:23 p.m., a 9-1-1 call is made about fireworks being set off among crowds of people at Oak Street Beach.

“We’re over here by Division and Lake Shore Drive by Oak Street Beach, and there’s a crowd of [black] people throwing M-80′s by the [white] people,” one called tells an emergency dispatcher. “They’re just blowing them off and there’s like crowds of [white] people here with their kids and they don’t care.” [Sure, they care. They care very much about terrorizing white families.]

The operator says they’ll send the beach patrol.

At 9:34 p.m., a caller at the beach says a fight is breaking out: “Yeah, we need the cops down here on Oak Street Beach. There’s a whole gang of [black] hoodlums fighting and kicking each other in the head and jumping on each other.”
A caller also mentions people trying to escape the chaos by crossing a busy roadway.

“We need cops out here ASAP,” he says.

Later, a caller reports purses being stolen at Division and Oak.

“[White] People are running, things are getting stolen [by blacks],” the caller says. “[White] People are hitting the ground.”

Another caller says: “We’re at Oak Street Beach and there are gangs of [black] kids beating up [white] people here. I don’t know if there’s any cops in the area.”

The Chicago Police Department says its staffing was appropriate on July 4.

“While there were a few [!] isolated [!] incidents near the Division Street underpass in which three robberies were reported, there were more than one million people along the lakefront for the fireworks on the Fourth and there were no widespread, significant issues,” the agency said in a statement [signed by spokesperson P. Innochio]. “While we do not discuss specific staffing levels, we always ensure we have the appropriate staffing for events in the city and in each of (the) isolated incidents reported, police responded quickly and made arrests.”

[How quickly, and with how many arrests? Crickets.]


  1. With the great work being done by the police and the news media around the country to promptly and fully disclose as much information about the guilty individuals as they know to the public, the public can now avoid them for their own safety or turn them in when they spot them to face justice. The police and media provide an exemplary display of the gold standard in public service and fairness for all to the next generation of reporters and officers being currently tormented and maimed by black teens.

  2. Too bad we have so many Democrat Communists in the Illinois legislature because we had a chance to get a firearms preemption bill that would have FINALLY knocked out all the Chicago and Crook County gun control laws. Instead, all the current restriction like the assault weapon bans are still on the books.

    What we need is a ban on FELONS voting so as to knock out the criminal base of the Democrats.

  3. Ah yes, no "significant" issues...Of course had gangs of white youths targeted black citizens it certainly would have been very significant. The usual mealy mouthed disingenuous mitigation of racist black behavior from the media talking sock puppets. Move along folks, nothing to see. Jerry
