Sunday, March 03, 2013

Video of Times Square Attacker Deanne Ostbye Terrorizing People Outside a Tacoma, WA Supermarket, and Attempting to Sucker Punch Videographer (Language Alert!)



Deanne Elaine Ostbye caught in the act of battering Aleksandra Cvetkovic, in the equivalent of a sucker punch


"Aleksandra Cvetkovic was in tears after being pushed to the ground by Deanne Ostbye at Broadway and W. 46th St.
The attack left Cvetkovic on the ground and bleeding from her head, a wound that would later require three stitches."

Deanne Elaine Ostbye standing in handcuffs, smirking, after being arrested for attacking Aleksandra Cvetkovic; Ostbye reportedly was shouting “Freedom of speech!” Apparently, she was already seeking to lawyer her way out of her crime. She’s experienced at that.

Deanne Elaine Ostbye's Skowhegan, Maine mug shot from June 12, 2012

[From the Deanne Ostbye files, at WEJB/NSU:

“Vicious Attack of NYC Tourist Doesn't Rate, Because the Victim is a White Female”;

“New York City: Photo Captures Exact Moment of Tourist-on-Tourist Attack”;

“Smirking, Hispanic, Times Square Attacker Deanne Elaine Ostbye, Who Blindsided White Victim Aleksandra Cvetkovic, is a Busy Girl, with at Least Four Arrests in Three Different States in the Past Nine Months Alone; Ostbye Also Calls Herself a ‘Model’”; and

“Fifth Arrest Turned Up for Times Square Attacker Deanne Ostbye from 14 Months Ago, Also for Assault.”]

Posted by Nicholas Stix

Some Youtube comments follow:

• 86sather 4 months ago
ahhh makes me miss my hometown.

• stonerpoet 4 months ago
i actually know this female, her nicknames crazy an she falls nothing short of it. you think this is something, it aint shit compaired to her day to day. nonstop all day, this is just how she is

• Lamar154 4 months ago
I love how laughing gets crazy people ether angry or more crazy XD.

• stevetac23 4 months ago
This is at the 72nd and Pacific Ave fred meyers. I totally recognize it. Will never go to that one again. Been there once. Never again.

Some observers, like the videographer here, think Ostbye’s behavior is due to drugs, bath salts, specifically. While Ostbye has a drug history (at least one arrest for possession of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia), I believe that she is, in the first place, a violent psychopath. She may be drawn to drugs, because she wants to engage in even more ultraviolence, especially suckerpunching people, but her violence and evil are fundamental to her.

Lord only knows how many times she’s been arrested in different places, with the arrests eventually vitiated after six months (“adjournment in contemplation of dismissal”), but someone like this is just a walking, talking crime wave. There are 24 hours in the day, and she spends every waking minute, even when she’s eating, committing crimes: Harassment, assault, aggravated assault, prostitution, drugs.

[A combat pay salute to Jose Mora Hudnut.]


  1. For what it's worth, one of the people who left comments at Youtube said that Ostbye was too articulate to be on bath salts as she was pitching her fit. But I guess it doesn't matter if she was on speed or something else.

    It's interesting to read that Ostbye is a transient. From photos and the video, she seems to dress in a presentable, even modest way, plus she has no visible tattoos, etc.

    Many (not all) of the homeless young street people in Austin dress the part of rebels and outsiders. They go out of their way to do this in more ways that I can list, like not bathing, getting lots of tattoos and piercings, etc. So I think it's really interesting that Ostbye is cunning enough to present herself as a "normal" person, when she is anything but.

    Ostbye's vulgar tirade also made me think of some of the homeless young people I've met in the past, here in Austin, Texas. Some (again, not all) of them used a lot of four-letter words, even if they weren't agitated and were just having a conversation with someone.

    It would be interesting to know Ostbye's story, and how she became the way she is. She is leading a wicked, miserable, and empty life.

  2. Jeigheff,

    Yeah, there's a big gap. We don't know what she did before she started getting arrested in January, 2012, when she was 29. My hunch is that she was arrested several times earlier on misdemeanor raps that were all rescinded after she didn't get arrested again for six months in the same jurisdiction, not that she didn't deserve to be re-arrested during those periods. Possibly some stays in drug rehab, as well. And probably lots of drifting.
