Friday, March 08, 2013

Still Banned at the New York Times! Thread Gestapo Blocks Writer’s Comment on Oberlin Hate Crime Hoax


On Monday, March 4, 2013, the Oberlin College community comes together at Finney Chapel to celebrate a series of hate crime hoaxes

Another hate crime hoax rally, also held on Monday, March 4, this one at “Afrikan [sic] Heritage House,” the name of which is a euphemism for an illegal, racially segregated black dorm


Oberlin College aerial view with fall colors (i.e., out of hate crime hoax season)

Black affirmative action students of Oberlin's "Dance Diaspora" put on a show to celebrate their triumphant victimhood
[Previously, on Oberlin, at :

“300: Left-of-Stalin Administrators at Ohio’s Hate Crime Hoax-Riddled Oberlin College Have a Kafkaesque Little List, Banning 300 Locals, Including Oberlin Alumni, Who Will be Arrested if Seen on Campus”;

New York Times Promotes Series of Hate Crime Hoaxes at Oberlin College”; and

New York Times Doubles Down, in Its Support of Oberlin College Hate Crime Hoaxes.”]

By Nicholas Stix

Apparently, a string of hate crime hoaxes have been pulled at Ohio’s Oberlin College, whose left-of-Stalin politics is extreme, even for today’s academia.

The hoaxes started with spray-painted “hate speech.” Then, someone announced that a lone figure had been seen outside of the Afrkan [sic] Heritage Center, which is actually a racially segregated black dorm, wearing a “KKK” hood.

The administration also fueled the hate crime hysteria prior to the non-existent Kluxer. The school’s president, Marvin Krislov, then exploited that non-incident by shutting down the school for a day of hate against hate.

Now, police say that the “Kluxer” was someone who just happened to be standing outside in the middle of the cold night, clad in a blanket.

Meanwhile, it earlier came out that Oberlin is a police state, with a secret list of 300 locals, including Oberlin alumni, who have been banned from being on campus for any reason, and who will be arrested if found there. No reason is given for the mass banning, many of the people who learned they were on the secret list have no idea why the school’s administration has targeted them, and the school refuses to explain itself. All of this sits just fine and dandy with police state Stalinist-readers at the New York Times, who have suddenly discovered the perks and prerogatives of private property, and who have defamed shadowy “townies,” and non-existent, nearby “KKK” members, in order to blame them for the non-existent incident.

What follows is the comment I sought to post at the Times early Monday evening.

Spring semester is hate crime hoax season!

Over the past 26 years, we have been regaled with one campus hate crime hoax after another, starting with Columbia University (which later also had a noose hoax), all on intolerant, leftwing-dominated campuses. I am unfamiliar with a single “hate crime” that proved to be real. Some are exposed as hoaxes engineered by members of “victim” groups (the Duke Rape Hoax, the UCSD “noose” hoax, etc.), in which case the media sweep the story under the rug, while most remain unsolved and are simply “disappeared.”

And each time a new hoax is engineered, all right-thinking people suffer from amnesia about all the previous hoaxes.

Meanwhile, the real, ongoing, institutionalized campus hatred against whites, and particularly white, heterosexual men, is ignored.


  1. Nobody can collect and present info like you do. This is linked to and commented on here:

  2. I say the 300 banned persons should hold their own rally on campus with the tea party and FIRE (the organization) just to see a freakout ensue....
