Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Julio Acevedo, 44, Wanted for Mass Vehicular Homicide of Hasidic Family of Three, Had Already Killed a Man in 1987, and was a Career Criminal, with Arrests for Drug Possession, Robbery, Reckless Endangerment, DUI 2 weeks Earlier, and Every BMW He Drives is Illegal; He Has Now Concocted a Ridiculous Story, Whereby He was Fleeing Gunshots When He Killed Family


"TOGETHER IN DEATH: Placards mark the graves yesterday of hit-and-run victims Raizel and Nachman Glauber at a cemetery in Kiryas Joel, Orange County. Their baby, who died yesterday, was also buried in the cemetery."


Killer Julio Acevedo, l, his first victim, Kelvin "50 Cent" Martin, r

(Please turn off sound in video below.)

Posted by Nicholas Stix

Editors at the Daily News believe that Acavedo ran because he was drunk at the wheel, and didn't want to get tested. They're surely right.

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'Hit-run' driver wanted in family's deaths did time for slaying of the original '50 Cent'
By Larry Celona, Reuven Fenton, Jessica Simeone and Jeane MacIntosh
March 5, 2013, 1:23 a.m.; last updated at 11:43 a.m.
New York Post

The hit-and-run driver who allegedly killed a pregnant Williamsburg woman and her husband already had one slay under his belt — and was nabbed for drunken driving just two weeks before Sunday’s horrific crash, authorities said yesterday.

Police last night were hunting for Julio Acevedo, who did time for fatally shooting the original “50 Cent,” Brooklyn thug Kelvin Martin, the inspiration for rapper Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson’s name.

EVIL PAST: Kelvin “50 Cent” Martin )left), namesake of the rapper (below), was slain in ’87 by hit-run suspect Julio Acevedo (right).

Cops said Acevedo, 44, was behind the wheel of the speeding 2010 BMW that slammed into a livery cab carrying Nachman Glauber and his seven-months-pregnant wife, Raizel, to meet her doctor at a Brooklyn hospital at around 12:30 a.m. Sunday.

Acevedo was identified by at least one witness, a person who claimed to have helped the man out of the mangled BMW before he fled, according to sources.

Acevedo had allegedly been going 60-plus mph, more than double the speed limit.

Williamsburg photographer Shimon Gifter told The Post he saw Acevedo return to the scene. Gifter said he took the man’s picture, which cops confirmed was him.

“It was absolutely freezing, and this guy was wearing a sweater, smoking a cigarette. He looked very nervous,” Gifter said. “He just looked at the crash and went back the same way he came, up Kent Avenue. He just disappeared.”

Police believe that Acevedo ran to the home of a friend and then left the area, sources said.

Cops yesterday were at the Brooklyn building where he shares an apartment with his girlfriend, two children and two dogs, but neighbors said they hadn’t Acevedo since Saturday.

The Glaubers, both 21-year-old Hasidic Jews, died at separate hospitals. Raizel, known as “Raizy,” stayed alive long enough for doctors to deliver her baby by C-section at Bellevue Hospital. Nachman died of head injuries at Beth Israel Medical Center.

The newborn died yesterday morning — on what would have been his mom’s birthday.

“This is the day that would have been this young woman’s 22nd birthday,” said Rabbi Mayer Berger of Chesed Shel Emes, an organization that provides burial services for Orthodox Jews. “Instead of that, it’s a family reunion. It’s a day the youngest member of the family joins his parents.”

The baby, wrapped in a shroud and placed in a tiny coffin, was buried early yesterday afternoon in a separate area of the cemetery in Kiryas Joel where his parents were laid to rest Sunday.

Because he did not live eight days, he was not named and did not have a bris, family said.

Berger and other Orthodox leaders called for Acevedo to be charged in the three deaths.

“The best thing for this coward is to charge him with triple homicide — and we are going to demand that,” said community leader Isaac Abraham.

Acevedo has a long rap sheet that includes a stint in Attica prison for Martin’s 1987 slaying, two arrests for drug possession and arrests for robbery and reckless endangerment.

At 3:15 a.m. on Feb. 17, Acevedo, driving a different BMW, was pulled over on Lafayette Avenue in Brooklyn, red-eyed, unsteady on his feet and slurring his words.

Five hours later, he blew a .13, nearly double the legal limit, on a Breathalyzer.

The criminal complaint says he told cops he was coming from a baby shower at Bed-Stuy club Sugar Hill and had two beers.

The Glaubers’ relatives sat shiva yesterday, mourning the couple, as well as their tiny son.

“This little 3-pound boy would have been at least an umbilical cord for the family to remember the couple. And even that was torn away for them,” Abraham said.

Rabbi Berger recalled watching as doctors at Bellevue lost their fight to save Raizy but delivered her baby, who relatives initially thought would survive.

“The happiness that was in the room on one side and the tragedy that was on the other side was unbelievable,’’ he said.

The BMW involved in Sunday's tragedy was registered to Bronx resident Takia Walker. She wasn't in the car during the crash, but cops arrested her on Sunday night on suspicion of insurance fraud.

Bronx prosecutors released had her this morning on "deferred prosecution," dropping the case for now until more evidence is gathered, authorities said.

Additional reporting by Lia Eustachewich, Jennifer Bain, Laurel Babcock, Douglas Montero and Amy Stretten

[A clink 'a the handcuffs to Kathy Shaidle, at Five Feet of Fury.]

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Julio Acevedo, suspect in Brooklyn hit-and-run, tells newspaper he was fleeing gunshots
March 5, 2013 2:33 p.m.
CBS News

(CBS) NEW YORK - Julio Acevedo, the suspect in the hit-and-run that killed a couple and their unborn son, reportedly told the New York Daily News on Tuesday that he was fleeing gunshots when the accident occurred, the paper reports.

"My heart goes out to them," the 44-year-old Acevedo reportedly said in a phone interview. "I didn't know they died until I saw the news."

Acevedo reportedly explained to the paper that he left the scene of the accident because he was scared of someone shooting at him.

Police said Acevedo was speeding down a street in Brooklyn early Sunday when he collided with a livery cab carrying Nachman and Raizy Glauber, both 21, to the hospital. They died Sunday, and their premature son died Monday.

Acevedo was arrested last month on a charge of driving while under the influence, and the case is pending. He served about a decade in prison in the 1990s for manslaughter.

The New York Daily News reports that the interview with Acevedo was arranged by Derrick Hamilton, a former jail mate of Acevedo's.

The paper reports Acevedo plans on surrendering to authorities after consulting with a lawyer.

1 comment:

  1. If this is the same piece of trash, it looks like he's here illegally.
