Saturday, February 23, 2013

“‘Yes, This is War.’ When Blacks Say It, Maybe Whites Should Take Them Seriously?” (My New VDARE Column is Up!)

By Nicholas Stix

On January 7, four white women—Rebeika Powell and Kayetie Powell-Melchor; and Julie Jackson and Misty Nunley, pictured above —were slaughtered in a Tulsa apartment, allegedly by two black brothers, James and Cedric Poore, pictured below, who appeared in court today….

[Read the rest here.]

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like personal experience to show a person what the reality of things are rather than having it presented as something that sounds good in a textbook. I think that as time goes on and a person contemplates the past a bit more, one develops a greater resentment for the sort of things that were forced upon them. Whether it was federal or local government dictating integration, the white liberal types running the school system, the actual blacks involved, the media, the result has been that millions of ordinary citizens have had their lives degraded by being guinea pigs in other people's social engineering schemes. The kind of crap one put up with in the past now seems like a robbery of one's quality of life, it just goes on without end. It's just not normal to always have to look over one's shoulder when going out to the store or to have to have one's own security as a constant thought.
