Wednesday, February 27, 2013

“The Carolina Way”: Eve Carson Memorial Death Cult Seeks to Produce an Endless Supply of Promising White Girls to Sacrifice on Diversity’s Altar

Murder victim Eve Carson

Racist murderer Lawrence Lovette Jr.

Racist murderer DeMario James Atwater

“Community Journalism student Lucie Shelly (right) mentors high school journalist Anna Aguilar of the Southern Scoop of Southern High School in Durham.”/Jock Lauterer [Let us hope and pray that Lucie Shelly doesn’t become the next Eve Carson.]
[See my VDARE report: “Doomed by Diversity: The Murder of Eve Carson.”]

Posted by Nicholas Stix

Apparently, the murder of promising white coeds in the Chapel Hill area was proceeding too slowly. Never fear! Some professors at the school of the late Eve Carson have hit upon an idea to speed things up: Sucking white girls into a program serving the community that produced Carson’s racist killers.

AmRen reader Ulick observed,

Two thugs murder an innocent white girl and some white Liberal professor rewards the community that spawned the murderers with a $25,000 grant. Meanwhile, there is a poor white community that could really use $25,000 that has never spawned murderers. White Liberal “elites” and professors look at working class whites with contempt while simultaneously looking at poor minorities as their pet projects to show how progressive they are.
At the The News & Observer, death cultist recordguy_2000 responded to a banned poster,

Why usually the negative from you? If you knew anything about Jock Lauterer (and I only know him from reputation, not personally), you'd be ashamed to question the effectiveness of his efforts.

Maybe the worst of the worst aren't being touched by The Voice. But instead of doubting the positives, the concept, the involvement of inner city youths, the students that it is touching, the positive effect it's having on white/black relationships, the building of trust between the two races, why don't you be a bit proactive. Volunteer. Try to reach the worst of the worst yourself. Get involved.
I responded to recordguy_2000 ,

This is a sick joke, right? Because Jock Lauterer supposedly has good intentions, we’re not permitted to use our reason, and are supposed to act like brain-dead lemmings. And if we don’t, you’ll call us bad names. Boo-hoo.

Why would any sane person “Volunteer… to reach the worst of the worst”? You are trying to talk decent people into undertaking suicide missions. Something tells me that you’re not suicidal.

Anyone who would give you the time of day is either very stupid or very young and callow. The young and callow need to be protected, not led to their deaths.

Rational, decent readers are advised to google, “Doomed by Diversity.”

* * *
Drescher: Eve Carson and the Carolina Way
By John Drescher — Executive Editor
February 22, 2013
The News & Observer (Raleigh)
23 CommentsE-mailPrint

Jock Lauterer was stunned and angry five years ago when Eve Carson, the student body president at UNC-Chapel Hill, was abducted from her house near campus early March 5 and murdered.

Two young men from Durham, DeMario Atwater and Laurence Lovette, were arrested and eventually pleaded guilty or were convicted.

Lauterer, who teaches community journalism and photography at UNC, grew up in Chapel Hill and considers himself a townie.

He mourned the death of an exceptional young woman who was making a difference and was destined to do much more. He also was angry that violent crime from Durham had trespassed into his Chapel Hill.

He didn’t know what to do about his sadness and anger.

Carson was gone. Lovette and Atwater were in jail and likely headed to prison for the rest of their lives. All he could was shake his fist at the world. Nothing good could emerge from this, he thought.

Still, there lingered in Lauterer a feeling that he – Jock Lauterer, then 62 years old, college teacher, journalist and Chapel Hill resident – should do something, he told me this week.

That same spring, Lauterer had met Mai Nguyen, assistant professor in the UNC Department of City and Regional Planning. They were part of UNC’s first class of Faculty Engaged Scholars.

Nguyen saw that Lauterer, in developing his own response to Carson’s death, was paralyzed.

Nguyen and her students were studying and mapping Northeast Central Durham, the area where one of Carson’s killers lived. Lauterer accompanied them on a tour of the troubled area, two square miles known for violent crime.

The next day, Lauterer received an email from Nguyen. One of her Ph.D. students, Hye-Sung Han, had suggested that Northeast Central Durham needed the cohesion that comes from a community newspaper. The email exploded at Lauterer as if its letters were a foot tall.

He thought: That’s it!

Lauterer had been a small-town newspaper editor. He knew how to do community journalism. He could do community journalism in Durham or anyplace else.
And if he could put cameras, pens and notebooks in the hands of urban teenagers, maybe those kids would feel they were a part of something good, that they had a stake in their community.

But where to start? With a commercial newspaper, you start at the bank, he wrote later. With a volunteer newspaper, you need a different kind of capital.

Lauterer established a partnership with two journalism professors at N.C. Central University in Durham – Bruce dePyssler and Lisa Paulin. The three of them would become the publishers of the new newspaper. The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation provided a grant of $25,000.

The university teachers arranged for some UNC journalism students, most of them white, to meet with NCCU journalism students, all of them black. In their first meetings, they didn’t mix much. [Of course, not. The liberal white kids wanted to mix, but the racist black kids just wanted them to surrender the program money to them, and beat it. NCCU is the segregated black school whose students and profs not only aggressively supported the Duke Rape Hoax, which was engineered by NCCU student/prostitute Crystal Gail Mangum, but loved the idea of railroading three innocent white men.]

But then they split into two large vans (with Carolina students and Central students in each van), toured Northeast Central Durham and ended with a picnic lunch. The students bonded. [Yeah. The UNC studetns bonded with each other, and the NCCU students bonded with each other.] That was a key moment: The college students were united in their effort to create a newspaper. [If they were really united, the black students would have covered half of the expenses, instead of living off of white charity.]

But they also wanted to involve teenagers from the neighborhood. To do so, they sought the support of local Durham leaders. That support was hard to win. They called a meeting of local pastors. Only one showed up. And he was the host.

“Maybe we were just too white and too Chapel Hill,” Lauterer thought.

[Lauterer’s response to the black preachers’ racism is to act as if the racists were right!]

Widening involvement

A local high school journalism teacher suggested they involve kids from across Durham, not just from the targeted neighborhood. Good idea.

A session at the Boys and Girls Club on Alston Avenue in central Durham was a turning point. UNC student Carly Brantmeyer, in giving a photo lesson, engaged the teens in a way Lauterer didn’t think possible. Composition. Light. Vantage.

One of Lauterer’s own students had shown him how to reach the teens. When they got their hands on the cameras, they were transformed. Some of those teens became the core of the newspaper staff. Eventually, students from four Durham schools would work at the paper.

It was time to launch. But what would this paper be called? Residents of Northeast Central Durham kept saying their voices were not being heard. [For at least 50 years, whites have been bending over for young blacks, and listening to and acceding to their every demand, while the young blacks robotically repeat that no one is listening to them. The blacks need to shut up and listen, for a change.] The paper would be called the VOICE.

It was published first online in September 2009 at It made barely a ripple. That changed when it began publishing in print in February 2010. Now it is published in print once a month during the school year with 2,000 copies distributed at 60 places.

Community, high schools

The VOICE writes about the people of Northeast Central Durham. It publishes stories about high schools, churches, restaurants, homeless people, volunteers, crime, grocery stores, urban farming, musicians, yard sales, celebrations and just about anything else in its neighborhoods.

The VOICE tells this community that it’s important enough to have its own newspaper. The VOICE is supported by grants and uses no university money. Various groups, including the city of Durham, and businesses have helped. The Daily Tar Heel, the student newspaper at UNC, funded the first year of printing. Scientific Properties donates office space for a newsroom.

[No one ever stopped “the community” from having its own newspaper.]

VOICE college staffers mentor local high school journalism students and have helped revive the student newspapers at three Durham high schools.

Sharif Ruebin, 17, is a junior at J.D. Clement Early College High School in Durham. He hadn’t thought much about journalism but started working for the VOICE as a sophomore. “They really let me be a part of the program,” he told me Friday. Now he’s the editor of his school paper and wants to be a professional journalist.

Eve Carson spoke of the Carolina Way – not the since-discredited Carolina Way of the sports boosters but a Carolina Way more central to the mission and spirit of the university. She once defined the Carolina Way as “inclusion, involvement, diversity, acceptance, seeking to be great but always remembering that we must be good.”

The VOICE is Eve Carson’s Carolina Way. It is Jock Lauterer’s Carolina Way. It is the true Carolina Way.

As the fifth anniversary of Carson’s death approaches, may the VOICE and its student journalists speak loud, long and clear.

Drescher: 919-829-4515 or On Twitter @john_drescher

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