Friday, September 07, 2012

Chicago: Disgraced, Black Supremacist Ex-Cop Patricia Hill Refuses to Pay Mortgage or be Evicted; WLS Gives Her Powder Puff Treatment

By Nicholas Stix

In Theresa Gutierrez’ story below, she plum forgot to mention that Patricia Hill is the head of the racially segregated, black supremacist African American Police League. She rose through the ranks of the Chicago PD, despite making public statements as a police officer that were not only racist but seditious. She demanded that the police surrender all control of black areas and, as cop-blogger Second City Cop has recounted, called on blacks to resist arrest by any white officers.

Note Hill’s tenants’ long red, black, and green scarves. Those are the colors of the genocidal, Garveyite, “Pan-African” flag. The red is for the blood black supremacists intend to spill, when they murder all whites in a racial Holocaust.

What does the foregoing have to do with the story below? Everything. Theresa Gutierrez is clearly a political ally of Hill’s, which is the entire reason for the story. Look at Gutierrez’ demeanor both in interviewing Collins and her supporters, and in the newsroom. She’s not a reporter, but an advocate.

If your bank tells you have to make higher mortgage payments, you don’t pay what you see fit, and if you get a lawyer to represent you, he can’t simply leave it at a phone call. The sent her papers informing her that her mortgage had gone up. Her lawyer, Edward Boci, claims to have called the bank, asking for someone to negotiate with, but says he got no response.

But in such an urgent case, a professional lawyer would send a certified follow-up letter mentioning his telephone call, so the bank can’t deny having heard from him, the request he had made during it, and calling for the bank to negotiate in good faith, assuming there was anything to negotiate. If the bank did not respond within, say, 10 days of receiving the letter, Hill’s lawyer would need to file court papers to stop the bank from taking further action.

Given Theresa Gutierrez’ refusal to do her job, my hunch is that Patricia Hill ignored the situation, and either sent in the same old mortgage payment, month after month (which she indeed says she did), or stopped paying anything, and only called Boci after the bank had sent her an eviction notice.

Hill herself admitted on camera that she knew that after three months of not paying one’s full mortgage, that the bank will foreclose on a homeowner.

You have to understand that Patricia Hill does not believe that the white man’s laws apply to her.

Patricia Hill? Evidently, the BGA [Better Government Association] didn't do any homework on this woman. Pat Hill was on the radio constantly in years past, actively representing herself as a Chicago Police Officer, and then making racially tinged speeches, leveling unsupported accusations against the Department, advocating illegal and unlawful job actions, and encouraging what can charitably described as "resisting arrest" when performed by white officers. For years, she was untouchable, but she was finally fired or resigned when administrative charges were brought against her for assorted Rule violations. Quoting Pat Hill is a classic case of the pot meeting the kettle. Not a good example.

“Why Shaved Mattered,” Second City Cop, September 4, 2012.]

Yes, these are the kind of morally unfit people that big-city police departments have for over 40 years been bending over backwards to hire, and issue badges and weapons.

And you have to tease out what Gutierrez withholds, which is that the bank backed off from physically evicting Hill, because she had black supremacist and white communist supporters (including Occupy Chicago, though I missed her mention of that sweet, kindly group) ready to force a violent confrontation, surely with video cameras at the ready. Gutierrez closes her advocacy by encouraging other deadbeats to do likewise.


* * *

Ex-cop alleges foreclosure fraud, challenges eviction
Friday, March 30, 2012
By Theresa Gutierrez
WLS News
March 30, 2012 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- A Chicago woman fighting to keep her home says she is the victim of foreclosure fraud.

Patricia Hill, a retired Chicago Police officer, says she paid her mortgage on time but was still found delinquent.

Hill, her tenants and supporters appeared in court Friday to legally challenge an eviction order. The case was continued to a later date.

"All indications are that proper notice was not given so that they did not have an opportunity to have their proper day in court," said Edward Boci, Hill's attorney.

In 1995, Hill purchased her family's home in the Bronzeville neighborhood with a fixed rate mortgage.

"I received a mortgage notice three years ago that my mortgage would go up $500 more per month," Hill told ABC7. "Upon inquiring, I was told it was for insurance, and I refused to pay it. And I continued to try to negotiate and I sent in a regular mortgage. And on the the third attempt, they say that you're delinquent and they sent my money back and said, don't send me any more money."

Hill says after a year of trying to resolve the dispute, she found that she had been foreclosed on and that her house had been sold at a sheriff's sale for nearly half of what she owed on it. It was purchased by the Bank of New York Mellon.

On March 9, that bank attempted to evict Hill and her tenants from their home, but they were able to stop the eviction with some help.

"We are exploring all options with the hope that the bank will come to the table and negotiate with us," said Willie Fleming, one of Hill's tenants.

"The banks sold the house to itself for half of the value of what she owed to the banks while she was in negotiation," said Loren Taylor of Occupy Our Homes.

"We have made efforts to negotiate with Mellon bank," said Boci. "When I first got involved, the first thing I did was pick up the phone, talk to their lawyer and say, give me someone at Mellon negotiate with. I have heard nothing."

"This is a bank heist," said Clair Tobin, Illinois Citizens for Public Banking. "The homeowners, their homes are being taken away and given back to the banks without due process."

ABC7 called the Bank of New York Mellon but did not get a response.

The Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign has been coordinating a 24-hour eviction vigil to protect the Hill family and their tenants. One of the tenants is a Marine veteran who served in Desert Storm.

1 comment:

  1. Reality Check said...

    (N.S.: Reader Reality Check accidentally posted this comment at the wrong item, so I just did a copy-and-paste.)

    As a person very familiar with the foreclosure process - I sometimes bid at courthouse foreclosure auctions - the bank sets an opening bid - the amount may be what is owed or it may be a much lower opening bid price. If it is the amount owed, the bank bids the opening bid amount itself. Any other bidder may then increase the bid amount. If the bank hopes to sell it to someone else at the courthouse auction, they may make the opening bid much lower in the hopes that SOMEONE who follows foreclosure courthouse auctions will then make a higher bid. In this case, NOONE among those 'foreclosure vultures' (that is what we are called) even saw value at half the original price. So the bank 'won' their own auction and took the house back. They own it and they want the previous owner out so they can put it on the market with an agent. That is how the system works and there is no dirty dealings going on at all.

    In regards to the mortgage increasing, it is not the mortgage amount itself that has changed in her case, it is the escrow amounts, usually insurance payments and real estate tax payments. If the taxes are raised or lower by the county govt., the monthly escrow amount for taxes will go up or down so that at the end of the year there is enough money in escrow to pay the annual tax bill. The same is true for insurance. Her insurance premium went up a lot and I don't know why (crime, coverage changes, etc), but the monthly escrow reflects the increase. The goal is that the escrow, when the annual payment for taxes and insurance is paid, is nearly empty after payment, not overflowing with money. Most mortgage companies will cut you a check for any substantial escrow balance not needed. Likewise if there is not enough to pay the annual premiums or taxes, the mortgage co. will want you to make up the difference and the future escrow requirements are adjusted. This is all SOP!

    And yet, this trash acts like the banks are evil and ripping her off. It is she who is ripping them off!

    Saturday, September 8, 2012 3:32:00 AM EDT
