Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11, 11 Years Later

By Nicholas Stix
Slightly expanded, on Wednesday, September 12, at 5:14 a.m.

All day long, I’ve dreaded writing anything on this anniversary.

Eleven years ago, America had a chance at a moral awakening. Instead, she has gone deeper and deeper into a hole from which she may never be able to extricate herself.

911 was the worst and greatest day in the history of the New York City Fire Department. The worst, for the obvious reason that 343 overwhelmingly white, stout-hearted men ran straight into the fires of hell to save others, and paid with their lives. The greatest, because 343 overwhelmingly white, stout-hearted men ran straight into the fires of hell to save others, and paid with their lives.

The mayor that day was Rudy Giuliani, who was the greatest mayor that black New Yorkers ever had, because he greenlighted the NYPD to aggressively fight black-on-black crime, while handcuffing it, where black-on-white crime was concerned.

For some reason, black New Yorkers forgot to thank him. For some reason, white New Yorkers did thank him.

Giuliani’s successor, King Michael Bloomberg, accelerated affirmative action in the NYPD and FDNY, but dissatisfied federal Judge Nicholas Garaufis decreed that the FDNY must hire black and Hispanic fireman candidates so incompetent as to possibly be borderline mentally retarded.

Meanwhile, “conservative” Republican President George W. Bush responded to Islam’s war on us by lying, and saying that “Islam” means “peace,” when it really means submission.

Instead of Bush’s waging wars meant to conquer our enemies, he waged them for non-military “social” reasons, just like a … Marxist. And just like a Marxist, he wasted trillions of American net-taxpayer dollars on his exercises in “democracy-building,” making friends with Kool-Aid, etc.

Instead of cutting off Islamic immigration into America, he fast-tracked and expanded it.

Instead of having airport security focus on Moslems, after creating the overfunded Transportation Security Agency and staffing it predominantly with racist black and Hispanic imbeciles such that would warm the cockles of Nicholas Garaufis’ heart, first Bush and then “Obama” gave it carte blanche to terrorize and molest old white men and ladies, while letting Koran-bearing Moslems go unmolested.

Instead of a patriotic renewal such as we saw after Pearl Harbor, we’ve seen anarcho-tyranny—the war on patriotic white Americans, on behalf of the nation’s enemies, foreign and domestic—on steroids.

So much for William James’ “moral equivalent of war.” In today’s America, not even war is “the moral equivalent of war” anymore.


  1. Thanks Mr. Stix, in 1 statement you have summed up 11 years of my thoughts about the failures of the grossly misnamed War on Terror!

  2. Yeah. War on White American Citizens is what it should be called because that is what it is. If we Whites don't fight back and now we will be lost. If anyone thinks the courts are going to save us or congress or the US government you have not been paying attention or you are totally deluded. We stand up for ourselves and now and not just on the internet are all is lost.

  3. I've read that 12 of the 343 firemen were black.
