Sunday, August 26, 2012

What Can be Done about Racist Police?

By Nicholas Stix

At Larry Auster’s blog, in a continuing dialogue going back at least to August 4, 2011, he asks what can be done about police who do not care about the racist, premeditated slaughter of whites, mostly by blacks, and sometimes by Hispanics.

I think I have a solution.

Whites must create a movement to cut police budgets to the bone. Since they refuse to protect us, we must refuse to protect them.

All public institutions at present are based on the practice of seizing the maximum possible amount of whites’ assets, while denying them the institutions’ services, and even waging war on them. The only defense whites have, the only way they can wage a defensive war on said institutions, is to cut their budgets. And if they can’t do that through their elected representatives, they can do it through a tax strike.

If law enforcement officers are outlaws, then the whites they wage war on owe them no respect. (Meanwhile, the same white cops across the country who go out of their way to screw over whites, relentlessly suck up to racist, criminal blacks and Hispanics.) One must do what one can to stay out of jail, but that is not the same as respecting the law, or those in uniform.

1 comment:

  1. 22I totally agree; in 1968 we got both a gun registration law in Chicago and an FOID for the State of Illinois. Both of these because of police (For years, there has always seemed to be a strange relationship between the Illinois "Gun Lobby" and non-Chicago police I can't quite put my finger on.) influence. No street cop in Chicago appears to oppose the CPD police chief's policies (Second City Cop blog shows it does exit anonymously.).

    Frankly, the main purpose of government in Illinois is to extract money from workers and give it to parasites in the form of pensions and salary. A recent Chicago Tribune article stated that the average pay of a DCFS worker who actually meets the clients is $72K a year, MORE than a Chicago school teacher who makes $69K! The state pension plans are nothing more than theft of taxpayer funds so that people like ex-Mayor Daley can extract $50K a year MORE than they were originally entitled. All because Crook County Blacks have the voting power to win elections with their massive criminal base in Chicago.

    That's why we need a ban on FELONS voting in Illinois.44
