Saturday, August 11, 2012

South Africa: A Reader Responds That Things are Even Worse and Weirder Than I Knew

By S.S.
[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“For South African Whites, It’s 1943, but in Black and Red: South Africa Facing White Genocide, Total Communist Takeover.”]

It gets worse, we (American tax payers) just agreed to guarantee loans to SA of over $2 billion dollars for "solar development."

(Nobody is watching the import-export bank liabilities-just like Fannie Mae, but that's another letter)

We're borrowing money from China to guarantee loans to South Africa, so they can buy Chinese solar panels, probably to power Chinese mining franchises. (Oops, looks like a military op.)

This video was taken shortly after the loan guarantee was announced.
The Africans are celebrating their skim cut and presumably free electricity (they'll never pay it back and sell the juice for votes), Hillary is celebrating huge future donations and kickbacks, and Americans are celebrating more dubious loan liabilities that wouldn't occur without a state guarantee and to no benefit of the American people.

I have my own theory on Africa and China, WE (our State Dept) "traded" it for the Middle East, not that "we" (our State Dept) had the authority to ethnically cleanse white people from Africa or "trade" a continent to another nation (without any consent of the current resident owners), we nevertheless did it anyway.

America "state sponsored" the ethnic cleansing of Africa to pave the way for a Middle East invasion.

This is why our foray into the Middle East is completely uncontested* by China or Russia-whom we also bought off.

*Our venture into Middle East domination would end with the distribution of Chinese manpads [?] to locals, but the Chinese would never do that, that would interfere with their Africa op, and interrupt their fuel supply and future crop supply and all their mining, oil, coal, agriculture and lumber franchises-which they paid for by foregoing weapons sales to the Middle East.

China has a plan for Africa, it’s very much like that StarGate TV episode where one group of aliens "helps" another group of aliens farm their planet in exchange for technology transfers, cash and prizes, and sterilization of the local population, that's China's plan for Africa, their one-child policy.

P.S. All the Chinese "ventures" in Africa resemble military compounds, and they're allowed to carry military weapons and have their own "security forces," but individual whites aren't nor are the black civilians allowed the same rights.


1 comment:

  1. Well, it makes no sense that we import tens of millions of welfare sponges and criminals when we could let all of productive white SA emigrate here.

    But a bright future for America, making America more productive, or doing the right thing in this real humanitarian crisis isn't the plan.

    The globalists can yuck it up and party hard, and even though all seems pretty much lost the game is not only not over, this side hasn't fired the first retaliatory shot after this seeming route upon us.

    When things go ballistic I have a feeling the smugness in these globalist parasites won't last long.
