Monday, June 11, 2012

Who was the Zodiac Killer? The Readers Debate!

By Nicholas Stix

I’ve received three responses so far, all of them fascinating, to my May 20th item on the Zodiac Killer, “The Zodiac Killer: Suspect Fingered by Retired Coppers Dead at 92,” from either two or three different anonymous readers.

Anonymous said...

His name was William Joseph Grant. He was married to Marian M Grant who died in 2007. He was a radio operator in the Airforce in WWII and was from Middlesex, MA originally. He was in the 529th squadron off the 380th Bomb Squadron. When he died he was living at at 2211 Cunningham, Fairfield (now for sale - built in '77 so he couldn't have lived there before '77) where he lived with a Nadia Z Grant (relative? new wife?) who is still in Fairfield at Dover Apts Dover Ave. Before living on Cunningham he lived on Cordelia Rd in the 60's and 70s. Lafferty has done some very good research - I really think this must be the guy!

SUNDAY, MAY 20, 2012 12:30:00 AM EDT

Anonymous said...

His name was William Joseph Grant and when he died he was living at 2211 Cunningham, Fairfield (house built in '77 therefore that is the earliest he could've lived there)where he is shown to have lived with a "Nadia Z Grant" who still lives in Fairfield on Dover Ave/Dover apts. During the 60's /70's prior to that he lived on Cordelia Rd in a house surrounded by pine trees ("peek through the pines" was one of his cryptic clues). He was married to Marion M. Grant who died in '07. He was from Middlesex, MA and joined the Airforce in '42. Was a radio operator (thus knew codes) in the 259th squadron of the 380th bomb group. (The ZK was known to wear airforce "wing walker" shoes according to footprints found at the scene of his crimes). The famous Judge whom Lafferty referred to who was having an affair w/ the ZK's wife was Raymond J Sherwin who was also an ex-president of the Sierra Club and an international Sierra Club award is named after him and given out every year. Why is this bit of trivia important?: ZK cryptically mentioned "Sierra Club" on one of his postcards to the media. No one could ever figure that out. It all makes sense now....ZK's wife, Marion, was a legal secy and worked w/Sherwin. They met in '64. Lafferty and his group, IMHO, are really onto something big w/ their research. I hope they reopen the case and look into this guy seriously. Sadly he's dead now so he can't be brought to justice.

SUNDAY, MAY 20, 2012 12:45:00 AM EDT

Anonymous said...

The expert in this case is Harvey Hines who did extensive research in the case and found Larry Cane the half English half Jewish man from San Francisco to be the Zodiac. He also did military code work in the Navy. He was a real estate salesman. Everywhere he went a body turned up when he went to Riverside on real estate business a murder occurred. When he took off to go to Vegas in that 3 year quiet period a murder occurred. When he got a job in Tahoe a nurse he followed from San Francisco turned up dead. The confirming witness was Hanna the Nevada patrolman who saw a car weaving out in the desert he recognized Cane because of his weird eyebrows with a passenger with a cap over her head that was perfectly still this was the one he murdered and was going to a mine shaft to dispose of the body. So if Grant was in all
those places Vegas Riverside Tahoe which he wasn't he stayed in the Northern California area he couldn't be the zodiac. It doesn't mean he wasn't a killer but not the Zodiac.

SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2012 10:47:00 PM EDT

1 comment:

  1. I would like to inform everyone, that there is misinformation on the internet about the relatives of Wm J Grant.
    I and an retired Federal investigator personally met with Nadia Z Grant a few days ago, she is not related to Wm J Grant, has never heard of him.
    We showed her pictures of Grant to see if she may have seen him at any family functions, but she said she never even heard his name mentioned before.

    She brought her old address book that she had for many years with her, which had all of her family , friends names , addresses and phone numbers.Neither Wm or Marion Grant were listed.

    After talking to her for a while, we told her that the reason we there, was to ask her about Wm J Grant , because his name had come up as a possible suspect in the Zodiac murders. And that we had read that she was related to him.

    We asked her if she had heard of the Zodiac killer ? She said she had heard of him.
    She mentioned that she likes reading, so we gave her a copy of Robt Graysmith's Zodiac book.
